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Food Dramatic Monologue Poems

These Food Dramatic Monologue poems are examples of Dramatic Monologue poems about Food. These are the best examples of Dramatic Monologue Food poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Where Are We Going
When we are young we may ask,
where are we going?
Life is a long winding road,
filled with adventure.
Will we stay in our hometown or, 
will we travel...

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Categories: art, beauty, life, write,

The Lord is my Caregiver indeed
I shall not be anxious of my health’s need
He makes me to relax, from pressures to be freed
He leads me...

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Categories: blessing, caregiving, christian, faith,

Premium Member Witness Protection
We settled into Baltimore after rejecting several locations after the dreaded shoot out thus move seemed right although two Suburban trucks tailed us from the...

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Categories: america, beautiful, god, identity,

Premium Member Teachers Conference the FBI and me
There was no easy day going under cover 
with four kids riding along with the FBI supervisor 
I was just a young mother of four...

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Categories: art, beautiful, caregiving, chicago,

Premium Member Shipwrecked Heart
I always hated water,
being in the middle of nowhere,
but it was the only way to be with you..

I'm helpless, my fingers trembling,
lips quivering, eyes full...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: lost love,

Premium Member Society and Politics Do Not Mix--
Oh Contention civil liberties that I so mention 
enduring the cooperating social groups non-functional
 non-binary confused disrupted abused circumstance 
non-existent analytical disagreements freed 
my people...

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Categories: america, analogy, anxiety, community,

Premium Member The Last Organ Grinder
I can still remember visiting a small musical town,  
a young boy holding his hat and singing his heart out for money.  

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Categories: boy, dad, dog, music,

Premium Member Three Legged Table
As a child, 
I loved to watch Grandpa build. 
His basement workshop, 
was filled with tools. 
Tools hanging on every wall, 
wood neatly stacked in...

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Categories: child, fun, grandfather, love,

Premium Member Soup of Colorful Delight
Satisfying soup of colorful veggie sight
surely offers hearty meal for great appetite
nurturing taste buds with red and green pepper bright
palatable midst yellow eggs' breakfast delight.


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Categories: appreciation, blessing, christian, food,

Premium Member Angelic
"We can all be an angel to someone." By Poet

I can still remember,
the days of years gone by.
We were so young and carefree,
time did not...

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Categories: angel, beauty, life, love,

Premium Member Bottomless Depth
After a much needed rainy night,                   ...

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Categories: dad, day, night, rain,

Premium Member Sunday Just Give Me Some Direction
I was gonna do this, then gonna do that
But I lay with the dog instead
It's Sunday, still only 10am
I really should get out of bed


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Categories: anxiety,

Premium Member The Joy of Watching Animals
This true story must be told,                                       ...

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Categories: dog, fun, prayer, smile,

Three Words That Are Determined By Just About Everything
Three words to contemplate,
Three words to educate,
Three words to celebrate,
Three words to navigate,
Three words to negotiate,
Three words to dictate,
Three words to implicate,
Three words to frustrate.


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Categories: age, analogy, appreciation, care,

Premium Member God
Does God have more than one name,
in the bible many names can be found.
In Exodus Moses said,
"The LORD Is My Banner."
Jehovah Shalom,
"The LORD our Peace."

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Categories: bible, faith, god, heaven,

Book: Shattered Sighs