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Database Poems - Poems about Database

Database Poems - Examples of all types of poems about database to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for database.
Premium Member Internet Poetry
... We all do try and write for a reason and each have different things to say at some particular time or season we've got to express our thoughts that way. It doesn't really matter who y......Read the rest...
Categories: database, community, inspiration, internet, literature,
Form: Rhyme
... Spooky the tuff Little Ghost liked to BOO, Knew he was scarier than scary that’s true, Enjoyed scaring people out of their wits, Often did he do this, used to go on a blitz Letting them think h......Read the rest...
Categories: database, girlfriend,
Form: Free verse

Poetry isn’t dead yet
...Poetry is almost on the exit tense We forgotten how poetry should make one feel or brush the emotions to sleep or facing  our fears by using words only The words we use now are mostly misused or ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, poetry,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Synapses
...They are removing the last part of me that is human A terminal in Mumbai, one of the first, delved deep into my database. I felt it. I feel everything they do. The messages whizz around. T......Read the rest...
Categories: database, computer, power, science fiction,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Eternally Etched
...This slice of time and space Will barely register a trace In the historical database Don't discard it to be erased Slow down the chaotic pace Replace the chase with faith Interlace gratitude......Read the rest...
Categories: database, encouraging, inspiration,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member A I Poem
...I cry between the lines, A.I. verse this will never be. I defy the artificial assembler of words to impersonate, to predict this in living color. Absent from its language database is the driving ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, computer, emotions, language, passion,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Give Me the Outdoors
...Computers are not natural for me I did not grow up knowing how to swipe Scrolling up and down meant parchment paper Bringing thoughts of ancient Rome to my head Database, laptop, I-phone, were ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, nature,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Ichthys June 29
...*fulton-RAINBOW T H U N D E R T E M P E S T S H I N I N G S H O W E R S H A I L I N G H E A V E N S P R O M I S E *a shape poem created by artist ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, christian,
Form: Shape
Premium Member Sign of the Times
... Well, the gray lady’s losing her ‘shine’. It seems Wordle had crossed party lines. The puzzle to greet us contained the word ‘fetus’, They aborted the word; it’s all fine. ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, nonsense,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Fads Come and Fads Go
...Fads come and fads go Is this pronoun thing a ho ho ho? I am sure for some it is important and real. Others jump on, wanting more zip and zeal. Tik Tok and U-tube, two of today’s norms Taking ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, life,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Joe Rogan Tribute Limerick Chain
...Slicing up boxes and rules arming people and giving them tools; Master of his space, Mind like a database; He’s taking the media to school; On fire, he exhales motivation, platform built ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, inspiration, motivation, tribute,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member May
...M A Y D A Y D E W M A Y F L Y D A Y B L U E B E L L D E L L W E L L *fulton' is a unique shape form I so labelled after ' Seven days' one......Read the rest...
Categories: database, may,
Form: Shape
Find My Way
...finding a way in this place everyday someone pleads a case trapped, yet free in an infinite space no longer will I hesitate eye opened, holding tight to grace my mind on a high speed c......Read the rest...
Categories: database, appreciation, blessing, strength, visionary,
Form: Rhyme
Thank You Team Poetrysoup, Contest Sponsors and Friends
...Thank you team poetrysoup for a well organized site maintained real time I know how much hard work goes behind it! Top hundred new poems, best poems, potd,potw..... List is endle......Read the rest...
Categories: database, thank you,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Backhand
... "Backhand" You have turned me inside out, cut open like a tennis ball I used to beat backhand along with the racket hard against the garage ......Read the rest...
Categories: database, child abuse, mother daughter,
Form: Free verse

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