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Convert Poems - Poems about Convert

Convert Poems - Examples of all types of poems about convert to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for convert.

Bed Used Without Permission
So, you thought you have the right To in my bed pass a night, Not alone, with your lover, Vulgar love-making brave, Sensual pleasures coarsely crave… You have my mattress defiled, All night romances of the wild; For hours with a pervert...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, anger, hate, heart, love,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Beyond Deprivation
Principled or vile, honorable or depraved, we all view the same stars, suffer the same dread. The richest minds among us were all once bedwetters. The puerile erect walls like Trump’s fortification, they imagine iron and concrete impervious to the ghosts of...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, america, anxiety, community, hope,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Harlequin
Marceau leans on air. His ethereal stage, a muse. Walls and limits come and go. Rubber, his body knowing what it wants. His muscle’s tale born in luster under polished light. Each spectator becomes a believer, each observer willingly accepts, how hands make...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, imagery, imagination, muse, myth,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Away Yon Convert Come Hither
AWAY YON CONVERT COME HITHER abreast is the moments somethings collects those comments reaching out for those converts those whose screaming and yelling stay away alerts 12/5/19 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, analogy, anger, anti bullying,
Form: Quatrain
Convert In Truth
May be my dream convert in truth And I touch the truth of god I know god is a very clever player Every moment he took new turn But while you fallow with true heart He defiantly listen your talk And...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, desire,
Form: Lyric

Convert In Truth
May be my dream convert in truth And I touch the truth of god I know god is a very clever player Every moment he took new turn But while you fallow with true heart He defiantly listen your talk And...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, destiny,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member The Convert
Part those sheets my love And I will worship your skin A true believer...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, desire, love,
Form: Haiku
Convert Old factory was due to be knocked down and turned into rubble, recycle the materials and use the land again. A new start? Yet this building is structurally fine, a few broken windows and missing...Read the rest...
Categories: convert, community, history, house, old,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Desperate Smugness of a Recent Convert
We've all seen it their cloying intensity to the new cause: tobacco cessation, gluten-free digestion, mindful rumination, deep cleanse elimination, erotic poetry, for the lucky erotic reality, alcohol abstinence, Yahweh's deliverance. And we can only smile and nod knowing this too will pass....Read the rest...
Categories: convert, change, november,
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry