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Confident Poems - Poems about Confident

Confident Poems - Examples of all types of poems about confident to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for confident.
Premium Member Super Confident Carolyn Lee
Carolyn Lee, a quirky artist, befriended me She did everything with a bucket of glee Best of all, her friendship was free I learned a lot from Carolyn Lee. She played art well, with a tee hee hee Always laughing...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, 10th grade, 12th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
From our connection with Native Nations… the first people to walk this land… comes three bits of wisdom that have to do with the way we stand…. The first one sets the tone: May we be be strong...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, native american,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Be A Confident Poet
Don’t quit writing… keep your pen rolling. There are poetic angels here, who keep you going! Even if you can only...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, creation, joy, poets,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Four is Super Confident
We coddled and coaxed Cajoled and cuddled Caressed and calmed Candy would not budge We encouraged and enthused Attempted to inspire and excite Candy smiled But refused to comply We teased and tormented Attempting to train her our way Candy laughed and skipped away Super confident...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, age,
Form: Free verse
Sit And Talk A spell
Come sit and talk a spell, dear wind, Whisper soft where you’ve been, Through valleys green, past mountain tops, In twilight’s hush, where day’s light stops. Tell me, waves, of the ocean deep, Where secrets swirl and shadows creep. Your endless...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, 12th grade,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Moving Uphill
Moving up one's journey uphill, Though for many a soul a thrill, Is a scary endless struggle Verging on a daily battle. One may expect thorns on the way And a scorching sun through the day, One may witness wild...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, inspiration, inspirational, motivation, moving
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Confident
Think wise- talk smart...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, wisdom,
Form: Monoku
Premium Member self confident Mort
March hare rides a bike to twinkle town court The rest of the bunnies are a bit jealous of Mort. He thinks he’s all that, and I guess maybe he is. Said a caramel-eating rabbit named Oldie McGizz. Mort...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, friend,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Confident Cousin Claire
At the laundromat a girl who could not find a chair Sat in a dryer, her attitude was beyond compare She did not care who gawked or gave her a stare. I know her well, she is my...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, 2nd grade, 3rd grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member she was her own confident witch
she was her own confident witch never felt a mean hand or switch played in a sewer or a ditch leaning into every gulch, glen or glitch Her left eye had a twitch She was no kind of snitch Her boots...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Monorhyme
Premium Member Confident In Your Ignorance
Go ahead, Tell the world what to do So it’s more like The world you want. Forget for a moment You have only been here For a moment While the world Both the literal earthy one And the figurative human one Have been here Turning, surviving,...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, political, psychological, spiritual,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Confident Frenchie
Confident Frenchie She sits like a man With one leg up high Bent at the knee She smokes like a man too Thinking it is sexy Not realizing how horrible nicotine smells Not caring either...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, woman,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Fellow Leos
Dear Lions, Please keep standing strong in our world with so much wrong. Keep your senses alert to fair and foul, especially when out there on the prowl, for not every foe is going to growl.. Get...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, appreciation,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Beautiful Round Confident Sheva
Sheva honors her rounded body Rotund and beautiful, she flaunts her stuff Like giant rounded bullseyes, she admires her circular curves Her art is a reflection of her self confidence and power...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, women,
Form: Free verse
A Man
How happy it is When a man...Read the rest...
Categories: confident, confidence, courage,
Form: Haiku

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