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God Charlie Poems

These God Charlie poems are examples of Charlie poems about God. These are the best examples of Charlie God poems written by international poets.

Premium Member Android Charlie:The Sequel, the Drama- Repost
Android Charlie: The Sequel: the Drama
  Android Charlie II:The Sequel: The Drama

OH, Charlie had money alright!
A great house, wife,and a quite intelligent child, too!
Very opulent, he!

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Categories: charlie, humanity, relationship, technology,

Premium Member Android Charlie: the Sequel: the Drama
Android Charlie II:The Sequel: The Drama

OH, Charlie had money alright!
A great house, wife,and a quite intelligent child, too!
Very opulent, he!
Three cars, vacations and a complete
lifestyle, too.


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Categories: charlie, internet, introspection, wisdom,

Loving Charlie Smith's Inspiration All Day Long
God is. In LOVE God takes FORM; still I AM!
God broadcasts from there in living colors
Praise, Jesus once became form: Perfect Man

Though we see blooms...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: charlie, creation, food, god, i

For Charlie Smith: Paradise Lost and Human Nature
SENRYU dedicted to Charlie Smith: May 7, 2017.

idyllic orchard
many fruit trees – but a tenth –
His tithe, we stole, ate

Adam and Abel 
saw life and...

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© Anil Deo  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: charlie, bible, humanity,

Charlie and Baby
I was working Keeneland we had horses to be sold.
I was in charge of setting up the day was starting to unfold

When I went to...

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Categories: charlie, blessing, friend,

Premium Member Je Suis Charlie -- Afterthought
JE SUIS CHARLIE — Afterthought

The shock of this most frightening tragedy is practically beyond 
the pale of any reasonable or adequate attempt or effort to...

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Categories: charlie, courage, death, dedication, devotion,

The Devil Went For Charlie Daniels
The Devil went down to Colorado
To see if he could pull Charlie's chart.
While Charlie was out snowmobiling,
The Devil would work on Charlie's heart.
But he got...

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© Ed Evans  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: charlie, christian, music, prayer, spiritual,

Premium Member Tail-End Charlie
There were many unsavory jobs during the Second World War.
Some required guys to hunker down just a wee bit more!
None more so than "Tail-end Charlie"...

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Categories: charlie, warflying,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things