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Birthday Boyfriend Poems

These Birthday Boyfriend poems are examples of Boyfriend poems about Birthday. These are the best examples of Boyfriend Birthday poems written by international poets.

Premium Member underheld
A shadow crossed the room
in the corner of my awareness

A cloud outside somewhere, probably,
but for an instant, I thought that motion was you.

Thoughts of you...

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Categories: boyfriend, humor, romance, travel,

Romance adrift
Girlfriend: so, where’s my birthday gift?
Boyfriend: look, there’s a car near lift,
Sure, you like that colour,
Wow, of course, smart feller, 
Here’s your lipstick, same shade—

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Categories: birthday, boyfriend, girlfriend, humor,

Premium Member Deepfake
I’m so siced about the Barbie movie. I just watched the latest trailer. I felt a fluttering in the stummy.

Peter’s birthday was May 1st. “What...

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Categories: birthday, boyfriend, confusion, humor,

Groundhog Day
I feel like it's a consistent cycle that keeps repeating over and over
Consistent disappointments from my mother
You somehow make your little girl who's not such...

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Categories: abuse, america, analogy, boyfriend,

Premium Member Chapter 25-- Dolly Damian Friends and Family: Baby Bash Bonanza
Dolly Maintained her ravenous 
Appetite and gained weight.
Damian kept the new
 refrigerator Stocked with fruits 
vegetables Exotic foods and 
other goodies. Two days had
Slowly passed....

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Categories: birthday, boyfriend, confidence,

21 Oct 2022 It Is
They saw each other,
For the first time.
She saw an angel,
For the first time.

Locked eyes and they smiled,
That few second of stare,
Was a life.

The day when...

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Categories: appreciation, birthday, boyfriend, cute

Premium Member Tiktok Songs - Part 1
I’m chilling and doing homework tonight. Leaning into it.

Last night one of our suitemates (Julia) turned 21 - she’s barable. Not that we get carded...

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Categories: birthday, boyfriend, drink, school,

Premium Member Proverbial Love
I heard them say~love is blind,                   ...

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Categories: boyfriend, crazy, together, wind,

Premium Member New Short Story Posted - Omelettes
I latest piece is too long the poem section - so it's in "Short Stories." 

It's called "omelettes" I could shorten it - but why?...

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Categories: boyfriend, homework, school, student,

Use Me
Walking through the halls was like getting poked with a thorn 
Dating you was a nightmare
The side glances from people I didn't know
The way your...

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Categories: boyfriend, 12th grade, abuse, best

Even Before You Think
Don't you know I've been eyeing you?
Even before your thoughts were revealed,
It was injected into my memory,
But fear squeezed my heart.

I understand the miles that...

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Categories: boyfriend, best friend, cute love,

To My Wonderful Boyfriend
You make me smile
Which lasts for awhile
You make me laugh
I'm so happy you get to see my other half

I love being around you
I know you...

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Categories: boyfriend, love,

There For Me
Looking back, one thing comes clean-glass clear
you were always there for me subduing every fear.

I tried to do my duty, be a husband strong and...

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Categories: boyfriend, 12th grade, character, hope,

Premium Member Hide My Face
I want to hide my face,                   ...

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Categories: boyfriend, cry, heart, lost,

Premium Member Small Voice
Small Voice

I am changing. 
It happened. 
I don’t want it too. 
It was a mistake. 

My heart is racing, I checked the stick. 

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© Ann Foster  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: abortion, allah, america, boyfriend,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things