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Best Tribute Poems

Below are the all-time best Tribute poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of tribute poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Dance To Love - POTD - A Visual Art Poem Tribute
 POTD 23rd June 2019

Maria Williams 

Dance to Love

A tribute to my Dad, the late - Wilfred Forbes

She danced with wild abandon
she danced without a...

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Categories: romantic, tribute,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Tribute To Poetry Soupers
There's Danny with his love light burning,
Then Victor with his soulful yearning. 
Jan makes us laugh with wit and delight,
Armand serenades us all through the...

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Categories: poets, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Dance To Love - Part 2- POTD - The Grand Finale - a Visual Art Poem Tribute
POTD 6th August 2019

The clock ticks down the passing day
Tedious seconds count down my existence
Time for my pills ~ Time to call the nurse
Time ~...

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Categories: romantic, tribute,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Healing Power of the Drum
your labored breathing
called out to me
and in my soul I knew
what needed to be done

I reached for the drum
to summon the spirits
called out to ancestors

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Categories: tribute, inspirational, native american, prayer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member They Walk Amongst Us
They walk amongst us, but in silent ways,
spreading peace and love without any praise.
When thunder roars and lightning strikes in rain
they watch over us, healing...

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: angel, appreciation, tribute,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member - Peace, Love, and Gods Greatest Gift -
The mellifluous musical tones of the village bells

Echoing chimes over the cold snowcapped mountains

Both finding their way to people in the valley below

Christmas songs —...

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Categories: tribute, celebration, christmas, december, inspiration,
Form: Terza Rima

Premium Member Of Ink
Partial Paper  - A Poet Heart-

When ink carries its final tune
Moonshine-like liquid sweeps the mind
Bottles of ink will fill the pen
Composing a symphony on...

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Categories: tribute, allusion, art, beauty, feelings,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member I Can'T Breathe
In memory of----

Solely in my room, I can't stomach the sound of my pulse
I sit here alone to forget the taste of air.
Overwhelm by the...

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Categories: tribute, abuse, bullying, color, discrimination,
Form: Free verse
One Silent Word
He speaks with measured dignity,
one silent word at a time
His palmetto pen tells us: 
Tune out the cosmic background noise,
and focus your mind
on the sound...

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Categories: tribute, how i feel, poets,
Form: Free verse
Ancient Warrior
I see the wrinkles in your suntanned brow,
You carried burdens then; you see them now.
You’ve heard the cries your people who in pain,
Have shed their...

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Categories: tribute, angst, culture, native american,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Premium Member Listen For the Drum
listen to the drum,

talking to the dance

listen to the elders, 

whispering their chants

listen to the hooves, pounding on the plain

listen to the birds, prophesying rain


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© P.S. Awtry  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: tribute, appreciation, culture, environment, native
Form: Rhyme
My Empathetic Quill Bleed For the Empress Ink
The moonlight bathed her cell in pallid light while she sat hunched over her desk, clutching her pen between her confound fingertips. As she bled ink...

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Categories: tribute, community, friendship love, imagery,
Form: Spoken Word
Her limericks posted on Soup
are full of the merits of poop,
of farts and of pee,
of laxatives' glee,
and hard ons - or those with a droop!


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© Jack Horne  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: tribute,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member Indian Girl
--Virginia Slim--

Different eyes, the same world 
Ancient skin, dirty Indian Girl 
Smokey, eyes, exotic raven hair 
---Now listen to  the colors, of transformation, 

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Categories: tribute, adventure, girl, life, native
Form: Ballad
Premium Member Poem For Whomever
she is tranquillity
yet lava flows in her veins

cut her open and you'll burn

she is Eve's apple
nemesis to patriarchy

one bite and you'll bleed

she is a rainbow

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© Silent One  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: friendship, inspiration, tribute,
Form: Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things