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Best Literature Poems

Below are the all-time best Literature poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of literature poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Miss Amelia Havisham's Garden Shed
between the plant pots and the trays
the cobwebs had seen better days
and for all the wood and damp and soil
the smell was one of paint...

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Categories: death, garden, literature,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Achilles, the Journey To Troy, Part Two
Achilles, The Journey To Troy, 
(Part Two) of (Part One-titled, Achilles, His Heart and Soul Were Mortal)

Achilles, The Journey To Troy

Woe! wretched horrors Olympic gods...

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Categories: art, death, hero, literature,
Form: Rhyme
Literary Circle
I feel a sense of déjà vu as I listen
to the cacophony of voices:
dilettantes discussing poetry 
under baroque chandeliers. Masquerading 
as avant-garde writers or bona...

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Categories: literature, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Bookish Menagerie: A Time Traveler's Library
Toddlers' Exploration: 

Cardboard drum and a thunderous beast
With playful roars in tiny fists and feasts.
Fleeting wings glide to dreams just out of reach
Soaring through tales...

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Categories: literature, adventure, books, childhood, imagination,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Achilles, Bloody Battles, Death's Black Hand As Was Fated Part Three, the Conclusion
Achilles, Bloody Battles, Death's Black Hand As Was Fated
Part Three, (the Conclusion)

Dawn, bright rays fell upon Achilles and his band
exiting ship, Greek sandals felt soft...

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Categories: art, character, dedication, literature,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
Herstory from Battlefields to Laboratories
-	Daniel Henry Rodgers

Beneath stardust's scattered gleam, 
Her-story, a comet’s tail, blazing across time.

Through seasons it molds
...Once hushed now bold
We rise like...

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Categories: freedom, girl, history, literature,
Form: Narrative
Humor Is My Inspiration
At awe by my mothers beautiful mind,
when it came to writing I always felt so blind.

Literature class advised us to write,
for the first time I...

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Categories: literature, memory, me, class, class,
Form: Couplet
Premium Member Lines
The lines
Inside my head
Swirling, curling
Round my brain
Find the path
Come winding
Down my arm into my hand
And pop upon the
Paper, canvas,

I let them flow
They flow so fast

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Categories: imagination, inspiration, literature, poems,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Hero Code: Decoded
I was enthralled by each panel 
     a world in my grasp.
Comic books whisked me 

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Categories: hero, imagination, literature, youth,
Form: Narrative
Salutations to all the poets
That waters my ink,
Those whose words never
Make my heart shrink,
Of you always i ever will think,
Standing alone, i could sink
So i...

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Categories: literature, dedicationheart, heart, me, ,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Ode To Inspiration
Oh sapience of musings, oh savior of poetic art!
How longingly I seek you out to inspire my ballad
When lassitude of the night envelopes my mind

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Categories: inspiration, literature, poetry,
Form: Ode
Premium Member Voices
When cover of a book teases us to pry
Courted we're by sound of their voices:
Writers, creators, poets, and scholars--
Inviting us to virtues of wisdom inside.


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Categories: art, culture, literature, music,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Smokey Filled Speak Easy
In the dim-lit alley of the soul's bazaar,
Were jazz and jive spill from ajar,
We tap our feet, snap fingers, under stars,
And speak in verses, raw...

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Categories: literature, 6th grade, anxiety, celebration,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Short and Sweet

p u r s u e




d e s i r e


[Brevette form]
The Brevette, created by Emily Romano consists of a subject (noun), verb, and object...

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© John Watt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: literature, poetry, writing,
Form: Verse
Premium Member Part One, From That Dark, Dark Abyss, the Long Black Curtain Rises
From That Dark, Dark Abyss, The Long Black Curtain Rises
 Third poet in my poet dedication series

Part One:
Curtain rises and we see as Raven's...

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Categories: appreciation, art, dark, literature,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Shattered Sighs