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Best Autumn Poems

Below are the all-time best Autumn poems written by Poets on PoetrySoup. These top poems in list format are the best examples of autumn poems written by PoetrySoup members

Premium Member Oh, Autumn
Oh, splendorous, spectacular, resplendent autumn!

Boldly you dye cypress ~ flaunting ochre, cinnamon,
Yellowing sugar-maple, glazing tangerine emotions,

As scarlet winds warble in accents of majestic aspens,
Responding in...

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Categories: autumn,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Autumn Afterglow
Autumn Afterglow

As halcyon summer days 
    wave goodbye
Bucolic trees seen from 
    an autumn sky
Become a cynosure 

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Categories: autumn, beauty, october, seasons,
Form: Rhyme
Winds of Autumn
I called to the winds of autumn
As they wrapped up the dying year;
"Oh stay for a moment and tell me
Of answers I need to hear".


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Categories: life, lost, autumn, lost,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Indian Ink

Indian Accent, form the whispers inside
Chanting from long ago
Echoes come and go
Losing time in a soft eternal glow

A beautiful and delicate autumn mountain scene

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Categories: abuse, autumn, death, deep,
Form: Dramatic Verse
Premium Member Where the Sycamore Grew

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Categories: autumn, family, house, life,
Form: Narrative

Premium Member Past-Life Nightmare
A child of four suffers recurring dreams,
disturbing parents and siblings with screams.
When she awoke, always sore in one knee;
next to a birthmark, it throbbed painfully.


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Categories: autumn, mystery,
Form: Narrative
Premium Member Fall In Love
F eeling enraptured, Autumn dances in the wind, then undresses.
A s bright robes fall to the ground, her passion paints the twilight skies.
L ike a...

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Categories: autumn, love, nature,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member In Strangler's Wood - Tanka Version
At a dead man’s throat

lies the rain drenched woolen scarf

that stifled his screams.

Cold Winds howl through decayed trees -

witnesses in the shadows....

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Categories: autumn, mystery, rain,
Form: Tanka
Premium Member Under the Stars
Under the Stars

    poetic passions, 
         lavender skies

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Categories: autumn, love, poetry, romance,
Form: Romanticism
Premium Member October Skies
We are apples growing on our parent's tree, planted by our grandparents from the apples of our great-grandparents ~ author

October skies still reflect in your...

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© John Watt  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: age, anniversary, autumn, grandparents,
Form: Lyric
Premium Member The Old Oak Tree
Oh I am but a simple leaf
         withering within the gutter

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Categories: autumn, life, spring, summer,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member The Guise of Blue Jay Skies
F  l  y  i  n  g

a sailing tailwind
in cerulean streams
through creamsicle colored beams -
are wings reflective of turquoise truth 

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Categories: autumn, bird, blue, conflict,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Chopin Nocturnes

 Chopin Nocturnes

Listen....autumn rain is gently falling
Within enchanted hour of twilight sky.
In my heart, Chopin is softly calling
Lovely piano notes that make me cry.
As Luna...

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Categories: autumn, dedication, heartbreak, inspiration,
Form: Sonnet
Premium Member Canyon Reverie Constanza
I stop to watch the eagle soar.
At dawn his silhouette flies high
Through brilliant tinted scarlet sky.

Below the gorge at valley’s floor,
The creatures rise up one...

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Categories: autumn, nature, wind,
Form: Rhyme
The Universe of You
I have never seen a flower blush when I took it's hue
and held it there a prisoner captive to my view.

I have always heard the...

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Categories: autumn, beautiful, love, planet,
Form: Couplet

Book: Shattered Sighs