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Mercy Allah Poems

These Mercy Allah poems are examples of Allah poems about Mercy. These are the best examples of Allah Mercy poems written by international poets.

Dare Not Raise My Sight And Ask How And Why
Dare Not Raise My Sight And Ask How And Why 

It is my time one other lesson to learn 
And see through pain truths that...

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Categories: allah, appreciation, blessing, destiny,

Premium Member A Beacon of Light
Here I go, treading through the dark forrest
My inner soul changes from dark to light 
Behind, in front, sideways; the lights,soarest!
I go, unaware of my...

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Categories: adventure, allah, blessing, courage,

Code Blue
Zest expresses definitions beyond our own understanding
If we could validate the word passcode we would acsend to Heaven
Forever embodies the suggestion that the cruel suffer...

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Categories: allah, appreciation, encouraging,

Premium Member Satan Is Sailing The Seas
Satan is sailing the Seas
God is absolutely Great
Satan is selling red shoes
The Lord is divinely Good
Satan is selling sneakers
God is Pure
Satan is selling incense
Gentle God,...

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Categories: allah, christian, humanity, inspirational

The Great IAM
The Great IAM

After He hangs each star each night,
He allows the moon to come out & play.
Concise & just as constant,
He sends the sun to...

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Categories: allah, appreciation, beauty, bible,

To You My Lord I Call
I look at the earth and all the space, of your divine creation I see a trace.

I pray to you Lord of Grandeur, to grant...

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Categories: allah, appreciation, creation, devotion,

 God "Owns Me",because he created me and you! I own "God" and he owns me,because to be "Owned is a reason to love ,and...

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Categories: allah, 10th grade, 12th grade,

Premium Member The Belove Ones Plucked From God's Holy Garden In This Universe
God Planted That "Flower and That Garden"! It was called "The Garden Of Eden ! My Mother was planted in "The Garden Of Eden"! The...

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Categories: allah, 10th grade, 12th grade,

Her Divineness
Thankful for my creator I praise Her nobody's greater,
The hidden denominator a mystical commentator,
I'm wishing to find Her later I'm traveling slowly but surely,
Learning lessons...

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© Junior Bey  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allah, beautiful, blessing, god,

Premium Member Humpty Dumpty Donald John Trumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a "Wall"! Humpty Dumpty had a "GREAT FALL":"ALL THE KINGS HORSES,and all "THE KINGS MEN COULD NOT PUT "HUMPTY DUMPTY"TRUMPTY",back together...

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Categories: allah, 12th grade, 4th grade,

My Incomparable God
I don't know the way to prostrate properly 
I don't know how to make supplications discreetly 
The droplets just drip down my cheeks 
That's how...

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Categories: allah, forgiveness, islamic, motivation,

The Merciful
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind,
This is Al Rehman, a chapter that fills our hearts and our minds.

It speaks of...

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© Maya Evans  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allah,

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind,
This is An-Nisa, a chapter that fills our hearts and our minds.

It speaks of the...

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© Maya Evans  Create an image from this poem.
Categories: allah, faith, religion,

Allah: Forgive My Past and Change My Future
Ya Allah, forgive my past mistakes,

And guide me towards a better fate.

I've stumbled and fallen along the way,

But with your mercy, I can still pray.


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Categories: allah, 10th grade, 12th grade,

Premium Member The Secret of Death and Life
 There is a "Secret To Life,and "There is a secret to "The Death of those who will not realize that they are"already dead in...

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Categories: allah, 12th grade, 1st grade,

Book: Reflection on the Important Things