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Albuquerque Poems - Poems about Albuquerque

Albuquerque Poems - Examples of all types of poems about albuquerque to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for albuquerque.

Premium Member Fun In Albuquerque
I met a young woman in Albuquerque With reputation you could say was murky I did not mind For I did find Her bedroom moves were delectably quirky...Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, humor,
Form: Limerick
Premium Member A Farmer In Albuquerque
A poultry farmer in Albuquerque led a life some might call quirky His birds he’d not eat They were good friends, not meat He willed his house to a favorite turkey 2/10/22...Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, humorous,
Form: Limerick

Old Man From Albuquerque
There was an old man from Albuquerque When he walked his knees were very jerky Walking his miles He gave with smiles Others thought old man was really perky....Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, humor,
Form: Limerick

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Albuquerque Sunrise
Desert lavender blooms amidst gentle breezes morning sky: balloons...Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, morning,
Form: Haiku
When I think of you dear My thoughts go back a ways When we were there together Back in our younger days You loved your Albuquerque The enchantment it fulfills From down along the Rio Up to the Northeast hills And the lofty...Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, love, places, romance,
Form: Rhyme

Albuquerque Balloon Festival
Have you been to the Land of Enchantment? When BALLOON all fill the air? It’s early in October And I wish that I were there The dark BLUE SKY is dotted With colors of all hues All shapes and size and...Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, adventure, happiness, sports, upliftingsky,
Form: Rhyme
Albuquerque You loved your Albuquerque The enchantment it fulfills From down along the Rio Up to the Northeast hills And the lofty Sandia Mountains With their watermelon hue But when I think of Albuquerque I’m thinking dear of you I could have stayed in...Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, love, places, wife
Form: I do not know?
The Great Plains offers it beauty slowly as the edge of The Rocky Mountains rose like a rugged and Unclimbable fence keeping them penned in Driving southwest the line of fence posts became a blur of Old...Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, hope, imagination, inspirational, introspection,
Form: Free verse
As I crested the top of the hill, looking out over the city. Lights twinkling and sparkling, like diamonds in the night sky. As far as the eyes can see, the beauty in Albuquerque....Read the rest...
Categories: albuquerque, places,
Form: Concrete

Book: Reflection on the Important Things