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Ains Poems - Poems about Ains

Ains Poems - Examples of all types of poems about ains to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for ains.
An Abecedarian Year-end Poem
...After 365 days of Balancing our daily routines, Caring for our loved ones, Daring to dream of relaxing days - yes, Even after realising it's all Futile,......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, new year,
Form: Abecedarian
Premium Member Vernal
..."In those vernal seasons of the year when the air is calm and pleasant, it were an injury and sullenness against nature not to go out and see her riches, and partake in her rejoicing with heaven ......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, spring,
Form: Acrostic

Premium Member An Acrostic Storms-
...An Acrostic Storms Snows and rain. Tropical cloudbursts cause clouds burst. Occasional rains pour. Rains snow rain pour. Many hits kick flash erupt. S...Read the rest...
Categories: ains, analogy, environment, nature, rain,
Form: Acrostic

Keep Your Life Enthusiastic
...K-eep Y-our L-ife E-nthusiastic G-ladly A-pplying T-he E-lectronic S-ports A-s R-emarkable T-riumphs A-nd G-ains A-re M-ade E-xceptionally Topic: Birthday of Kyle Gates Artagam......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
...A-vengers' N-ew G-iant E-nemy L-oses I-ts C-ause A-s E-ach L-everage E-ffectively G-ains A-dvantage D-efeating O-pponent Topic: Birthday of Angelica F. Elegado (February 06) Form......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, birthday,
Form: Acrostic

Elevate Life
...M-ake A-ll Y-our L-ovely E-ndeavors N-icely E-levate L-ife U-ntil N-ew G-ains A-re Y-ours Topic: Birthday of Maylene E. Lungay (July 14) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Nightly Raindrops
...I-t R-ains E-ach N-ight E-verywhere Topic: Birthday of Irene V. Sabillon (May 2) Form: Vertical Monocrostic......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
I Magination Loosely
...i magination loosely knot ted a decending brilliant thinking thought -thing into a sitting lotus lip /\_mOUNT_/\ains of freshly ......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, horror, poetry,
Form: Free verse
Sharper Than Any Double-Edged Sword
...S-harper than any double-edged sword, O-ne God's truth sets man free; N-othing ever is impossible, N-ew result of His promise Y-ou will see. G-od's message is so clear E-verytime it is con......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Joyful Affair Bars the Haze, Hassle, and Drop
...H-azy air and annoying hassle A-re barred from joyful affair; Z-one of sheer happiness E-radicates the pressure's L-air. J-oyful affair bars the drop O-r fall from the heaven's grace; Y-ou......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Jokes That Break the Ice
...J-okes that break the ice O-bliterate the dull moment; H-appiness is truly brought, S-o does the joy to the event. E-ighteenth September morn D-enies the boring wish; E-xpressing the sense o......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Premium Member Light
...Little or large, it doesn’t matter Illumination makes everything seen Gains the fear of darkness However condensed it captures a corner To reveal, stand out and......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, life, light, metaphor,
Form: Acrostic
Summer Summer
...SUMMER SUMMER ‘S earing is believing’, so to say U mbrella-shaded or not, all is hay. M uggy months with their max-it-out man hours, M ay being the maddest in gods' asylum. E ven the other ......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, seasons,
Form: Acrostic
Gaza 2014
...GAZA 2014 Which veil b locks o ur view of the app arent , what purblindness vis-à-vis this land s lice, that we sh......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, war,
Form: Free verse
Heavy Conflict Don'T Bother Me
...I fast boy, this aint no foot race What you playing? What, you think you got a game ginni in your game pack Well, I paint Black And stain them in Pain on rare occasions Occassionaly coming up in......Read the rest...
Categories: ains, dark, history, me, pain,
Form: Lyric

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