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Addie Poems - Poems about Addie

Addie Poems - Examples of all types of poems about addie to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for addie.

Premium Member murderous wife
...she was worried they would go with Daddy they liked him the best, both Beau and Addie She poisoned husband before he went to bed. I did not do it, this lying wife often said. Beau and Addie wer......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, 10th grade, 11th grade,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member needing better ears
...I need better ears, the teen told Les, her inventor daddy. Daddy was a wizard with engineering, so he began a design. He built a hat for his daughter, Addison, whom he called Addie. Now she hears ......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, 5th grade, 6th grade,
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member Our Lighthouse
...Addie Marie Beima. May 20th 1945 - February 21st 2021 Loving Mother & Grandmother. With unfailing love, at some point in life, she saved us all. Though we weren't blind, we couldn't ......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, bereavement, death, death of
Form: Free verse

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Weekend Warrior
...Why? Why not! Their point of view Each Friday they drank vengeance every bottle drowned another ache Knights shedding the end of a week elegant shine lost in devil may care Needs n......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, addiction,
Form: Free verse
Strange Fruit
...Tears wet at the tip of his chin Dried, from the wind, on his exposed cheeks Fresh scent of strange fruit filled the clouds Which overcast the band that played mournful music with their walk Tha......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, beautiful, black african american,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member The Shirelles
... This is one of the most famous “girl groups” anyone knows. They began in Passaic, New Jersey as the “Poquellos” The four members were Shirley Owens and Beverly Lee, along with Addie “Mickie”......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, dedication, music, nostalgia, tribute,
Form: Rhyme
The Angry Soup of Racism
...ain't it a shame when hate lynches a 14 year old Colored boy in 1955 Mississippi and blows away the dreams of four innocent little ***** girls in 1963 Birmingham, Alabama yeah bus that......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, angst, care, old, care,
Form: Free verse
For Addie'sman
...For Addie who put up with him Through all those years of scrabble Who left before he came so grim And rose above the rabble He sits and sips in friendly bars Filling napkins with his life I rea......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, thank you,
Form: Iambic Pentameter
Faces In the Fire
...On those cool summer evenings when coyotes haunt the night And the campfire is dying—burning low, then flaring bright, A cowboy plays harmonica while others sing and hum While down by the chuck wa......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, cowboy-western, death, introspection, loss,
Form: Cowboy Poetry
Addie Shaughnessey
...My name is Addie Shaughnessey, I’m in love with a Cowboy, Though he up and rides away, Time and time again. I understand the lure, Of those wide open spaces, And I’ll be right here wai......Read the rest...
Categories: addie, cowboy-western, love, song-
Form: Cowboy Poetry

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry