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Accustomed Poems - Poems about Accustomed

Accustomed Poems - Examples of all types of poems about accustomed to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for accustomed.
Premium Member Make It Make Sense
...Seems like the country is in a freefall Will reasonable people answer the call Corruptible actions moving through the twilight zone No way this would be acceptable, if only we’d known The daily......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, betrayal, change,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Zen mode
...As the pulse of bliss, enlivens feeble form, accustomed to the caress, do we not begin anticipating, delight in offered surprise, being a refrain that renews, as the light of our true Self, re......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, joy, spiritual,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member the human condition bondage to social etiquette, our heart paused spontaneity was stifled, innocence was lost we wandered earth like a soulless ghost love betrayal came at a heavy cost glorifying body cage we l......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, innocence, introspection, love, pain,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Premium Member Armageddon is Here
...Her eyes filled up the way they do when she is predicting madness We try not to take her words literally, for she is theatrically over-the-top Armageddon, she told us, the armies are gathering now ......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, life,
Form: Narrative
Illusion of Unconditional Love
...Teary eyed trying to understand the hate in disguise a energetic fear of abandonment help veil those lies I am fed up with this frequency of control and hate people are so prone to believe authent......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, abuse, hate, how i
Form: Rhyme

Premium Member NIGHT HIKE
... We took a guided hike through a park last night…a beautiful natural preserve. and in the dark it is amazing…all the things we could observe. As the crickets serenaded us…at an alligator on the ......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, nature,
Form: Rhyme
Hows Your Dad
...A young man, once a driver, Accused of killing, Left unheard Was thrown into a cell, They say he got what he deserved His girlfriend, just a young girl, Was torn up, and distraught She sent hi......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, abuse, addiction, bereavement, emotions,
Form: Free verse
The Labyrinth and the Gardener
...A pondering of multiple raindrops from a detrimental storm onto the empty fields, crashing into them as hard and loud as clashing metals. The depth and existence of love weighs over any deprivation a......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, abuse, allegory, corruption, extended
Form: Free verse
Into The Light
...Into the Light When we seek to find the brightest of stars in the sky Delving so deep within our galaxy so vast and so high In the darkness of night, objects can seem so bright We are mesmeriz......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, dark, light,
Form: Rhyme
... Accustomed to the world around him, he didn't find anything strange when they put him to live in the asylum.........Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, allusion, psychological,
Form: Prose Poetry
...HOME DOES NOT DIE By: Majed Dodeen I read in her enchanting eyes what a pretty delicate and sensitive poet reads in the eyes of an innocent child. Her image is imprinted in the depths of my heart ......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, fate, freedom, home, success,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Tammy and her Mother
...Tammy put yellow daisies in her auburn hair. They did not make her feel joyful. She wore a pretty sparkly dress. Her mouth continued to curve down. You have to change your attitude said her mot......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, mother daughter,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Heaven or Hell
...On a beautiful afternoon, crisp and sunny, I set out on a trek to the nearby woods. Except my camera, intentionally picked up, I hadn’t carried with me any other goods. All along, I saw wild flowers ......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, appreciation, beauty, confusion, happiness,
Form: Haibun
Premium Member Speaking In Tongues
...Life shouldn’t be a punishment for living We can’t be regulated by machines Accustomed to the stupid self-deceiving Our freedom is a bird of slavish dreams Where to it flies, avoiding troubles o......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, philosophy,
Form: Rhyme
Premium Member Haunted House
...The hiker decided to travel solo, something he wasn't accustomed to. After several hours hiking he decided to turn back, but then quickly realized the sky was turning black. As he struggled t......Read the rest...
Categories: accustomed, horror,
Form: Rhyme

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