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Abyssal Poems - Poems about Abyssal

Abyssal Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abyssal to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abyssal.

Premium Member In the whispers of the abyssal night, enveloped by the ocean of my ever-deepening emotions
In the whispers of the abyssal night, enveloped by the ocean of my ever-deepening emotions, Here I stand again, submerged in the sea of ancestral pains, choosing to ignore and numb a life of torment. My memories...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, fantasy,
Form: Free verse
abysSal dreadfulnesS
I don’t feel good at this I’m feeling so hopeless I need some happiness I’m feeling dread instead I’ve been consuming sorrowful bread I’ve been feeling rather dead I want to repent of being sinful I want to repent of being resentful I...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, angst, anxiety, deep,
Form: Lyric

Running blanket breaks in gloom, cold and heavy; silted mask. Distant visions and bubbles bloom, weakness comes (death at last)....Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, bereavement, how i feel,
Form: I do not know?

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Abyssal Peace
Beneath the endless waves lays a body Piscine and bow-legged; felt from miles away Next to it, I sit Lungs half-full, dappled sunlight caressing me An abyssal peace shared with none A third dimension for a third generation Thinking beyond forward...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, memory, ocean, peace, water,
Form: Free verse
Abyssal Satisfaction
I don’t understand why you make me feel so lonesome You say to take a stand and be a man for the time being And I don’t need your hand to hold me tightly Frankly, I don’t care...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, angst, dark, emotions, endurance,
Form: Lyric

Abyssal Note
F-requent R-eader E-xpresses D-elightful S-atisfaction I-nterpreting D-idactic L-ines A-nd C-omprehending A-byssal N-ote Topic: Birthday of Fred Sidlacan (March 12) Form: Vertical Monocrostic...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, birthday,
Form: Acrostic
Abyssal Sky
I found myself at the bottom looking up For all that was dark and barren was this below I was in what felt like desolation And we were all strange creatures The shelf was miles high Just below a soft...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, nature, ocean, sky,
Form: Free verse
Abyssal Blue
abyssal blue pond of salt surging legion 10.31.16...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, nature, ocean, october,
Form: Haiku
Abyssal Dejection
I guess i never will actually understand, i guess i am just antithetic The quintessence i see The quintessence i know The quintessence i feel, all beyond my control To be oblivious would be angelic, live my life identical...Read the rest...
Categories: abyssal, faith, life, time, life,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry