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Abroad Poems - Poems about Abroad

Abroad Poems - Examples of all types of poems about abroad to share and read. This list of new poems is composed of the works of modern poets of PoetrySoup. Read short, long, best, and famous examples for abroad.
A Cook Abroad
The best moment When you heard appreciation With your boss and see their happiness But it's a saddest moment Deep inside thinking of your children And hoping you can cook for them too Hoping that you make...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, career, life, work,
Form: Free verse
A Letter From Abroad
My heart is happy A letter came from abroad From a name Pappy....Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, appreciation, engagement, friend, happiness,
Form: Haiku

Premium Member It is bruited abroad
There is rumour..Speculation? that old clause Has left this station..? And an earthly king is sickening Is there poision.? Or just nothing? the world stage plays Seem deserted?? Are their fortunes being introverted? How about gatesy? Heard...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, appreciation, bible, education,
Form: Rhyme

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry

Businesses Abroad
Entrepreneurship Businesses abroad A family legacy Children are called. Real Estate, Restaurants Commercial Investing, stores Employees in the thousands Much more. Growth, Faith, a vision is planned. New, coming soon in this beautiful land....Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, beautiful, business, career, celebration,
Form: Free verse
I feel cut off from the world I wish to reside in. No walks in the park with my sister discussing literature and men. No romanticism from my mother. The books my father read were standard American true...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, i miss you, international,
Form: Free verse

Premium Member Studying Abroad - a 'Groaner'
My 20-year-old-son told me he had chosen a new 'Study Abroad' program for next semester He left me wondering ~ What was wrong with the broad he'd been...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, education, father son, giggle,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Home Thoughts From Abroad
The half moon shimmered wanly as she wrote “Dearest, do you realize how much I miss you? How long will your trip abroad take? Here I am in empty rich, luxury mansion. A hovel with you would have been...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, home,
Form: Free verse
Premium Member Dreams Abroad
Dreams run wild Can reach outside your home Your view and your heart Anything outside your home May be full of expectations And possibilities Anything not in view May be full of hopes Anything outside your heart May...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, dream, family, happiness, home,
Form: Free verse
An Alien Abroad
An Alien abroad. Another pondering by Michele Angell I see you have made more changes, wherever I seem to roam, To this beautifully landscaped ...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, environment,
Form: Light Verse
Living Abroad
I saw a boy lost between worries and screams His Thoughts running like water in streams Said home he had Cupboards full of dreams He sighed and said in loneliness I have always cried I wondered why, I...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, absence, anti bullying, anxiety,
Form: Free verse
Trump Abroad
At first, when he sidestepped the Queen, A slight that the world had not seen, We hung our heads low, Embarrassed, although Such faux pas have become quite routine. But the meeting with Putin was worse For it seemed, when the...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, political,
Form: Limerick
Nightmare Abroad
Three years have been a lifetime, In a place unfathomable- Met with a gun barrel to the scalp, Scars cover his back, tortured for freedom, Punished for a woman he loves who stands proud with her...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, america, depression, humanity, solitude,
Form: Free verse
ABROAD Sometimes I believe that you are my future of being abroad You don't need to be praying for your God Everything we plant today, doesn't need much of sod There will be nothing to be worth of your...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, allusion,
Form: Quatrain
An Idiot Abroad
Some people have no sense at all Live abroad acting like fools Not wanting to integrate nor eating what the locals make Only want to go get drunk find an easy lay So many idiots abroad why can't they stay at home!...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, abuse, addiction,
Form: Free verse
The One I Love Is Far Abroad
The one I love is far abroad… Text messages are faithful pigeons to each other. There’re times it’s hard to keyboard. “Love you…” my hands don’t listen to me further. The one I love is far abroad… I cannot touch,...Read the rest...
Categories: abroad, addiction, beautiful, cute love,
Form: Lyric

Related Poems

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry