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Why Me?

I know I wasn't brought on this earth to be talked about and hurt. Wasting my time being nice and in return not being treated right. My size, my shape, the things I wear makes people stare, in return a put down that makes my smile turn into a frown. All I want is to be accepted for who I am not rejected because of my outer appearance. Why Me? Is what I ask god, but no answer. Why do I get put down ? Why can't things just get better ? No one knows, but at night I cry and try to make myself feel better by telling myself don't cry and that I am beautiful, but its hard to keep it inside, because its too much pain and I try to maintain and still in my mind there are the thoughts of my problems trying to figure out how to solve them. Yes, I love myself but my heart is not healed and my empty space for love needs to be filled. I need someone to care and that will always be there to be my shield and make me feel like I am somebody. As life goes on things get harder and I try to keep my head up even when its tough, I continue to hide my feelings and pain not trying to go insane because no one should see, And still I wanna know Why Me?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Date: 5/10/2012 1:19:00 PM
this i reely good i like it read my work its dark like this one but more so oh this is one of my fav poems i will keep an eye on your work
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Date: 5/10/2012 1:18:00 PM
this i reely good i like it read my work its dark like this one but more so
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Book: Shattered Sighs