Why Can'T I Be Happy?
Why can't I be happy
when the world is at my door?
I have all that I'll ever need.
I couldn't ask for more.
Then tell me why I'm empty.
Why do I feel so low?
I wonder what is wrong with me
and if I'll ever know.
My brain say's 'stop debating..
you over-think too much! '
But, my heart just screams and begs for things
like time and things of such.
The little things I'm needing.
Just little, thoughtful things,
not the fancy houses
or the cars and diamond rings.
Maybe I'm just greedy.
I should be satisfied.
So I will do just like I should.
My feelings I will hide.
Perhaps I am too different.
I feel my heart can't show.
I fear I'll always be this way...
deep in sorrow when no one knows.
Copyright © Mary Nagy | Year Posted 2005
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