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When We Grow

If we don't know where we are going this morning this day tomorrow this week this month this winter promising spring Then we will continue to feel stuck repressed depressed not impressed with monocultural threats and monopolistic climate traumas of random stressful win/lose and terrifying lose/lose loss of agency to choose sacred cooperative resurrection, or even secular imperative resuscitation Now degeneratively stuck in tragically competitive aggressive terrifying angry raging bullying matricidal militaristic police state abortive disassociated rightwing feudally anthropocentric unmindful and vengeful MotherEarth's name is mud If we don't know where we are co-relationally going, then we are less likely to arrive in Paradise than when we do know Boundaries between democratic health And pathologies autocratic paternalistic monotheistic monoculturing defending monopolistic anthro-wealth. If you don't know where I am going, then we are less likely to arrive EarthTribe pantheistic together than when you do inter-religiously know When we are healthy growing we are more likely to feel alive curious anticipation drawn outside our bodies talk talk talking inside minds our LeftBrain dominant dogmatic shelters from nature's polytheistic storms and peaceful paradise remind ecofeminist WholeSystems holonic spiraling rewind round clockwise emergent indigenously wise springing up potential Where and why we can spiritually discern what EarthTribe wisdom we have win/win strategically naturally learned Trust and cooperatively co-invested health are not where we are going when we do not distrust kleptocratic RedHanded willful wealth RedFaced ego-inside and anthro v eco systemically win/lose devolution warring outwide Fearing monotheistic omnipotence above all humbler humane Othered polytheistic nondestinations wandering far from current resilient wealth with health-industrialized Business-As-Usual rightwing UnChristian NonFundamentally Indigenous monoculturalism of fear Rather than wealthiest passions from within win/win journeys in pantheistic Holy Spirited compassionate unconditionally self/other co-regarded destiny of cooperative care for this morning this day this week these creations this season transitioning from Holonic Green toward AnthroHubris/Humbling Scene Unconditionally warm regarding secularly given win/win historic learning restoring EarthJustice, sacredly received peace destinations Enlightened and empowering bicamerally co-discerning Regenerative red-hearted encultured toward Whole Earth systemic thoughtful healthy destinations invoking natural wealthy fairness Reflecting green/blue living spirited peaceful provoking feelings to fully engage this morning this neurosensory day this season this year this decade this EarthLife Deep root chakra listening, then shared in sacred cooperative destiny.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Book: Shattered Sighs