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I went for a walk... took a moment, saw the neighbors' grass - not a dandalion to be found, bushes clipped just "so", trees bordered with wood chips, flower beds, sidewalks edged, but no ones ever home... Saw some birds - the endless hunting for scraps pecking away - hopping about, searching gathering for nests already empty... I walked over by the park - as well, the open swings swaying in the breeze - weeds showing where feet were meant to be, sliding boards - silently awaiting giggles seesaws - teetering on extinction no time for being children anymore... I sat on a bench - opened my zippered binder lifted my pen and my mind wandered a bit enjoying the sun - the heat the scents the silence - a lot of silence a lot of aloneness - there, everywhere... All the roses - not being smelled, ungiven smiles, sunshine missed, empty eyes returning at dusk as the days pass by - mindless chatter of TVs hiding ourselves filling the nights, pre-planned portions to the plates to the ears to the minds - and the hearts crying so hard to be heard, noticed, touched in sad-sour dreams - and with the dawn it begins again the endless cycle of being lost - and missing life.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things