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The World Is Weeping

The world is weeping, can you hear it? For the first child whose innocence we stole, for the first tree we cut, for the first soul we omitted..the earth wept......faint.....distant...unimportant As a writer I know many words.....but none of which grasp the horror I feel towards the human condition, none of which can convey the pain we have subjected ourselves and our planet The world is weeping, can you hear it? Love is a word we created to spite ourselves, to contradict the evident, for it truly is the one thing we cannot fully assimilate as a species. We claim we know how to love, we claim we know the intricacies of freedom and yet there is not one night where the billions of souls inhabiting our world are not faced with the atrocities of pain, hatred, loneliness, and self disgust We have now created a world where it is common understanding that “To Live” is to be conflicted with eternal pain How many children must we mess up? How many souls do we intend to damn? How loud must the earth weep, our people bleed, and the planet die before the human race understands that we fear losing a “humanity” we never had. That in order to free ourselves of this eternal damnation we must truly, and not superficially, understand what the words pain, love, and understanding entail.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 1/22/2019 6:38:00 PM
Axel, this is deeply moving, and resonates with truth. Welcome to Poetry Soup my friend. Your message is clear, but not loud, subtle and succinct.
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Axel Mateti
Date: 1/23/2019 10:14:00 PM
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the comment!

Book: Shattered Sighs