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The Twilight Zone

Driving along the dark deserted road, only noise I heard was the croak of a toad, passing on either side the silhouettes of the trees, my window rolled down enjoying the cool autumn breeze, Turning on my sirius radio to a brand new station, hearing a familiar voice saying theres an invasion, Rod Sterling comes on and tries to warn me, too late the trees come alive and I've nowhere to flee! Quickly getting out my husband's chainsaw from the trunk, I finally on the third try crank it up with a little luck, the huge alien trees surrounding me not realizing I'm American and tough, run away like sapling sissy's to their waiting ufo's and quickly blastoff. 10-29-16

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 10/31/2016 2:13:00 AM
Sapling sissy's, really. Lol! Great one, Cheryl. I'm still shaking while writing this post. Too funny, and just flat out hilarious. You really could make money being a professional joke writer for comedians. Love this poem though. Stay blessed and less stressed. Love always, dear. RW
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Hoffman Avatar
Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 10/31/2016 8:46:00 AM
Thanks so much for your very sweet & very flattering comment Freddie; who do I contact, lol! P & L~Che :)
Date: 10/29/2016 8:19:00 PM
Love it! Lol!
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Hoffman Avatar
Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 10/29/2016 9:38:00 PM
Sure thing Mike!:)
Hoffman Avatar
Cheryl Hoffman
Date: 10/29/2016 9:28:00 PM
Thanks Mike, glad you liked it!:)
Hauser  Avatar
Mike Hauser
Date: 10/29/2016 8:19:00 PM
We need to do another collab!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things