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Sunday Funnies Iii

Obi-Wan Kenobi's lesser known brothers: The womanizer, Don-Wan Founder of the Puerto Rican Capitol, San-Wan The divorce attorney, Nobody-Wan The Chinese Food chef, Sesh-Wan Inventor of plastic bottle caps, Scru-Wan Designer of compact luggage, Stow-Wan The lazy nomad, Bed-Wan The eternal encourager, Go-Wan The coupon-clipping twins, Buy-Wan Get-Wan [Humor attribution: all humor by yours truly]

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/16/2022 7:15:00 PM
I'll drink to this one, John -- a stiff mix of grape juice and seltzer! ~ Juan for the Road
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Date: 11/13/2022 2:53:00 PM
oh my, john. you know what? These are very much the same idea as footles, where the real joke is in the title. AWESOME
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Date: 11/7/2022 3:05:00 PM
I hate it when you do these, John. It makes me wanna write some… and then my brain takes a vacation and I sit scratching my vacant cranium. Smart, fun offerings. Enjoyed muchly.
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Date: 11/6/2022 9:17:00 PM
These are all clever, but the coupon twins are double the fun! (guess it's not a stretch to add, the fun one - Fun Wan)
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Date: 11/6/2022 8:36:00 PM
Poetry comes in many forms, here is one amazing write, like a magnet, once attached to the first line, onward one read and absorbs a classic mono, and yes so clever and funny too. Harry
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Date: 11/6/2022 11:23:00 AM
Ha! What a treat to read these, John! Thank you!
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Date: 11/6/2022 8:26:00 AM
I am laughing ! Love this John ! So creative is your mind and wit !! Write on ! Love your poems. You are always surprising me ! Happy Sunday my friend . Blessings, Susan :)
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Date: 11/6/2022 7:01:00 AM
haha. LOVE these, John WAN! (That's how your name sounds in Spanish)
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Date: 11/6/2022 2:15:00 AM
Wow! Brilliant and funny, a great combo, thanks for your love and support, John:)
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Date: 11/6/2022 1:37:00 AM
Lol brilliant John, write a poem, Pen Wan, couldn't resist. Hope you're keeping well. Tom
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Date: 11/6/2022 1:17:00 AM
Love love love this John! How very clever you are! Well done …..a great poem !! Debx
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