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Seven Kingdoms

I The Holy Bible said seven kingdoms would arise, then like windblown grains of sand, fall to the dust Six kingdoms have come and gone, blinked their eyes and we’re now, in these last days, living on the cusp But let us first do a fast biblical rewind, go back in history through the pages of time The kingdom count begins in the dark land of Ham, where God revealed Himself to be I AM THAT I AM Egypt, land of the pharaohs and great pyramids Stone reminders of all the oppression they did It happened here, in the oasis field of Zoan, great Exodus from a bondage that was strong God delivered to Pharaoh a Red Sea burial, showed forth His power so everyone would know II Showed forth His power so everyone would know His Almighty name throughout the whole earth Next kingdom to arrive with their arrows and bow, didn’t think much of life, or it’s inherent worth The Assyrians were big, bad conquerors who wanted their killing rumors to be heard They loved to rip open a begging mother’s womb, they loved to destroy, devour and consume But God broke the iron rod of great Nineveh, when He took their strong right arm out of the fight Their king sought victory thru his false god love, and had his whole army destroyed in just one night One angel of God killed 185K, God’s awesome power once again on display III God’s awesome power once again on display, opened the door for the third kingdom to arise: Babylon the great whore, we all recognize She sold every nation their idols to pray, Trafficked in things you need not ever know, selling everything, even human souls Babylon burned down the temple Solomon built, she was a lewd woman who felt no shame or guilt She loved to boast of her wickedness out loud So after being in bondage there for a while, God said come out and touch not the unclean thing, only your clean soul would you be able to bring The same way Babylon quickly rose to power, God destroyed this great kingdom in one hour IV God destroyed this great kingdom in one hour, and let the Mede-Persian’s time to reign begin They were the fourth kingdom to bloom like a flower, but their wicked rule too would soon come to an end With a decree issued by Persian king Cyrus, the house of God was built again in Jerusalem But evil came once more in king Artaxerxes, work on the holy temple was stopped by his whim But a better Persian king took the scepter, and said let the second temple be completed Showing another kingdom would rule forever, marking off time for judgment to be meted This divided kingdom loved war like all the rest, so God carried them on the wind into the west V So God carried them on the wind into the west, where the fifth kingdom provided the stiffest test The Greeks loved to preach peace and democracy, but they loved more to practice war and slavery When Greece arose, it signaled man’s ending, because the second temple was now complete And any kingdom that came thus a-following had just been made insignificant and obsolete Because the future kingdom of God was now firmly set in the cornerstone which was the Son Jesus Christ The raised temple meant Resurrection paid the sin debt Eternal sovereignty was the holy Messiah’s right The rise of Western civilization started with Greece, but the sun of man’s dominion already set in the east VI But the sun of man’s dominion already set in the east, when the sixth kingdom’s shadow was cast into view Enter mighty Rome, the fabled iron-clawed beast: Said Caesar was the only king you must bow down to Now the whole world lay in complete gross darkness when the King of Zion appeared in human form The Romans loved to crush with the heel of conquest, they mocked any prophecy as superstitious norm With capital punishment, they truly did excel ... new ways to torture flesh was their calling card Crucifixion was something they really did well; exquisite death that was painful, cruel and hard When they nailed Jesus on that cross at Calvary, the empire of man then became ancient history VII The empire of man then became ancient history, two thousand years of empty footnote pages And so now ends this tragic tale of no mystery, the seventh kingdom owe lots of unpaid wages It’s an amalgamation of the six kingdoms, having all of their sins rolled up into one Pharaoh, Nineveh, Babylon’s whoredoms Divided empire, Greece, Rome ... all are done The Devil has one more left, the last perdition: a wicked kingdom unlike any heretofore This seventh kingdom will be a proud creation, with witchcraft hell-baked into it’s very core Post brimstone day, no trace of man will tell why the Holy Bible said seven kingdoms would arise Re: Revelations 17: 9-11. This passage says that five kingdoms have came and went. The sixth kingdom, Rome, was presently in existence when the apostle John wrote the Book of Revelations. And every since then, mankind has been waiting for the last kingdom to appear, the seventh and final kingdom of man before the kingdom of God rules forever. The other six kingdoms are all written about in the pages of the Holy Bible.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 6/28/2017 11:13:00 PM
Awesome write, I've been talking to my 10 yr old granddaughter since she was born about the truth as you write. Awesome write. faves !
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Date: 6/17/2017 8:54:00 AM
So great and excellent. Three words underrating this magnificient piece which has dragged my mind in the viscose silk of awe to really lack what to say. A definite 7 friend.
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Date: 6/15/2017 9:56:00 PM
Gotten closer to bag packen time Freddie, what's left to take??.?
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Date: 6/15/2017 2:03:00 PM
I like how you did this Freddie! I never thought about how Jesus crucifixion coincided with the next to last kingdom. I am reading the book "The Agents Of Babylon"
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Date: 6/15/2017 1:22:00 PM
Wow Freddie. I enjoyed this. Very informative. I had never put this together before. An ambitious work. Well done.
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Robinson Jr. Avatar
Freddie Robinson Jr.
Date: 6/15/2017 1:37:00 PM
Ty, Dean. It was a labor of love for sure. Took a lot of time, but the fact that a gifted poet like you enjoyed it so, makes it all worth the effort. Appreciate the kind comments. Love always.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things