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Selfish Charity

Seamstress yelled that she could not get my size, I had over grown the new unused coat that I got last year, She could not fit it on me any longer, What could not be fitted had to be discarded, Axiomatically it sounded just right, However I thought again, What was not useful could be used elsewhere by others, That too sounded axiomatically correct, Decision was made to give it to a global charity, Coat reached the destination it was pacing for, Does all material fits in the latter axiom, That it reaches for its target and gets it, Perhaps no it has to be propelled, And propelled fast enough by the power of human self, That tried it in all ways and filtered it using self interest, Before sending it away on a path that ends in garbage or charity, Garbage is cleared everyday but selfish charity is not. Shishir Gupta

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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