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Rebirth of Humanity 2020

Rebirth of Humanity 2020 Adapting to change every hour it would seem. Adjusting to cope in the same bad dream. Overwhelming news from places we’ve travelled. Exposing our fears. Feeling unravelled. A focus on selfishness, violence and greed, drown out the strained voices of those most in need. But out of the horror it starts to emerge... Humanity’s kindness, from ripple to surge! Helping each other as part of our nation. Compassion and wisdom are a great combination. People will always recover and thrive if we care about others, not just react to survive. Thank you to those who lead without knowing. You’re creating a wave of love that is growing. A crisis so sudden changes people on Earth. We mourn for our dead but it’s also a birth. We can now see the people who help us survive. They keep the world moving, making sure we all thrive. We got distracted from “us”. There’s so much to do. Humanity is all of us, Them, me and you!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 3/4/2022 6:48:00 PM
Amen Sarah! Here’s to all the good that came out of the pandemic!
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Date: 3/4/2022 7:50:00 AM
I really liked this poem. Great work. It is similar to one I wrote called "This Land I Roam" Covid has had its affect on all of us. Have fum writing. Graham
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Date: 4/20/2020 4:55:00 AM
A great poem on the corona crisis, how it brought about humanity and it's great you highlight the positives. Kudos. Pls read and comment my newest poem too.
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Date: 4/19/2020 11:18:00 PM
"Helping each other as part of our nation. Compassion and wisdom are a great combination." - this in itself is a great poem within this poem Sarah. Welcome to Soup!
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