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Only Todays Poem We Read

Only Today’s Poems We Read? Why is it , that we, literati only read, The latest poem……is it just for speed? You might find gems from a poet’s past, Written in great beauty, that forever lasts. Even, the most transcendent poets of all time, Were not poetry machines! I wrote close to three-thousand, which in retrospect, I find, grossly obscene! Great quality, learning true, classical forms is my new norm. I was akin to a craven college student in a dorm! Was popularity only my woebegone daily bread? What was crawling in my hagiographic head? Honours to my poet-mentor, I have finally calmed down. There is no joy for me, being a winner in poetry town. Life breezes by like an Eagle, then, alas, soon ends. Poetry, by august writers, awaits me, tween my bookends. Tribute to my mentor ~ Happy Birthday 10/26/2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 10/29/2022 1:32:00 AM
When time allows I look in but the new poems list move so fast and they disappear. Unless you're on here 24 /7 and have lots of time to spare then you are going to miss some brilliant poems written by poets. Might be better to have a list for everyday of the week and maybe then those missed gems might be read. Tom
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/29/2022 2:08:00 AM
I never feel I missed a thing, Tom. I no longer chase names. Or do lists. Why?their names are carved on my heart. These are those poets who are real. I read poets in books and on other sites. I even sent some to you. I am far older than you, with both my vision and hearing, what a handicap! Wordswoth, the Bard…And EECummings may be dead….but are worth reading. Thank you for all the help you have been to me for three years. Huggg from Pangie, Elena, Butch, Eddie and Queen Irene!
Date: 10/28/2022 10:33:00 AM
A rather fine piece of writing that brings some important points to make us consider, I often feel that pieces we've written on here many years ago can get lost especially to new members, recently I've put back pieces I had written years ago so that new folk on here don't miss them also I'm writing less these days too. Thanks again for this splendid piece.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/28/2022 10:58:00 AM
Good Day, fellow poet! Honored by your visit and words. You might consider reposting those lovely, older, poems of yours, Gordon! So should many of us.))) My points were salient, I am so glad to see. I best read you….great poetry is not akin to a fast food restaurant, is it? It takes thought, time and revision. Lookingforward to reading you soon!!How awesome you referred to this as a…… “Splendid Piece.” You made my day and a source of encouragement to pen my best, or not at all. Respect and huggs, Pangie
Date: 10/27/2022 9:31:00 AM
Makes a lot of sense to me, Panagiota. I'll take quality over guantity. Writing poetry can be like smoking a great cigar, the brighter it burns, the sooner it ashes! I'm thinking I might write less and try to write better. It gives me some time to enjoy the poem of my friends more I would think. Blessings my friend, Bill
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/27/2022 11:13:00 AM
Hello, Bill. That is so true what you just stated! I liked Your simile about the cigar! Cool! Hours in the day speed by. Read your friends here but do not neglect your favorite master poets. They are not famous for no reason. So glad to hear from you..posting one tonight or tomorrow. Needs more fine tuning. Huggs, Pangie
Date: 10/26/2022 8:43:00 PM
Much food for thought here, P. A great teacher once told me: 'Slow down now, in order to speed up later.' ~ Just ponderin'
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/27/2022 12:08:00 PM
Dear friend, Gershon! How on point, your comment is! I was awake late last night contemplating my spiritual state! Need much attention to the area. Watching and reading… The Noahide Laws, and a bout Noah! Amazing))Want to order the “Brit Olam”! Huggs, Pangie
Date: 10/26/2022 7:45:00 PM
Excellent, thought provoking write! Just let it out! Wherever it takes you, with whomever decides to come along for the ride; as often or not as you like. It is all good. The creative mind needs exercising. I don't plan stops and starts, letting the muse wind me up and turn me loose at her will. Mine looks like a young Raquel Welch, so she always gets my quick attention. What's the worse that can happen? Even Shakespeare had some bombs I bet, though I can't think of any. Blessings my friend.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/27/2022 12:17:00 PM
My dear Prince, what a wonderful reply!i hope you enjoy your time with Raquel! Woo-Hoo! The bard surely made errors, early on! But I am nothing more than a child at poetry. Time to stop fooling about and go for big game. Woo-Hoo. I don’t want tho throw words on paper and proclaim, it’s poetry when in fact, it is not! Vocabulary and discipline in form… await me… And excited about the tasks and milestones ahead.!! Huggs, Pangie
Date: 10/26/2022 2:08:00 PM
It is like drinking from a fire hose! So much goes by each day. Sigh, like taking sips from a fast-moving mountain stream, I enjoy what I can and spit out the flies the trout missed
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/26/2022 3:15:00 PM
You are hilarious Jeff! What a simile. Love your attitude! I was quite serious about reading master poets. I have an inadequate training in the art of poetry…also. Trusting in God, to discipline myself! Grow in this art, one day at a time. I already communicated to you, how well I think of your creations!! Huggs, Pangie

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