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Oh To Be Young and Feel

oh to be young and feel the ravaging pummel of Cupid's bow a cauldron of love's feast raging swept asunder in the tsunami of a volcanic rage of emotions dazed and confused wandering in a walkabout with no direction pointing home now just these neuropathways lightened methinks a nap would be most delicious as i put this head of gray to what once i argued with my mother no longer needed are bribes of cookies and a glass of cold milk i find much pleasure within afternoons spent lazily floating lethe awakening trying my best to remember what was it i had to do OKC 2/23

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 5/21/2023 9:50:00 AM
I enjoyed this nostalgia infused poem a lot, Timothy. Thank you for sharing. :)
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Date: 3/10/2023 11:28:00 PM
Oh boy I can relate to this Poem Timothy. You said it so very well. I look forward to delving into your list of poems and hopefully finding more as good as this one. Cheers Wendy
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Date: 2/25/2023 6:18:00 PM
A chronicle of the ages and for the aged, Timothy. I know the feeling as well, bittersweet certainly. Sighing, Gershon
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Date: 2/23/2023 11:57:00 PM
Beautifully and cleverly crafted Timothy. I like the feelings and degrees of 'oblivion' described both with young love and old age. Cheers ' Gary
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Date: 2/20/2023 9:43:00 PM
In the place of heated emotions of love and romance that left you aimlessly meander, now dwells the desire to lazily float in lethargy ! Instead of hot cookies and milk, now you prefer to lay your gray head on a pillow and relax, waking up leisurely to remember what all things you had planned to do ! I can very well relate to this change. So beautifully written Timothy.
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Date: 2/17/2023 7:45:00 PM
lol as we get older our life becomes much simpler and even a nap sounds so inviting, lol, love your poetry
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Date: 2/14/2023 3:54:00 PM
Love the journey your mind takes amidst the Cupid’s bow dear Timothy …. and yet you have allowed the pleasures within to fill your heart and enlighten the mind as well ! Thanks for the journey . Hugs to you , Susan :)
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Timothy Ray
Date: 2/14/2023 4:15:00 PM
thank you Susan....i will soon be by as it is time to visit the works of my beloved fellow wordsmiths...i am filling boxes and in my last is time for all swallows to return to Capistrano...the fate of our lovely i will soon be visiting you and luxuriate in your musings, a quill i do so well as relish....blessings young lady

Book: Reflection on the Important Things