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No Important Man Than a Soldier

Since my birth I was wondering Who is the important man on earth Yes, a mother is an important person on earth But she is not a man. Which role should I play on earth for me to labelled as an important man on earth Neither Doctor Nor Teacher Neither Bus Driver Nor Engineer. Place soldier on number one. It is a big NO to all forms of job until I met a man who dance a sound of gun shoot whilst the rest escape it. That's an Important Man A man who never turn his back to hurting events. A man who sacrifices his face to be brutalised until enemy gives its last breath. A man who guard his promised land jealously. A man who prefer to loose his own life for the benefit of the world. A man who has civilians at heart. A man with unbelievable endurance to everything hard to conquer. A man who fights for the the world's happiness. No man in this world easily accept an idea of leaving his family and loved ones to stand at the battle front for the benefit of the whole word. No important man than a Soldier. Long live Soldiers world over, You are the first class citizens of this World. Respect to the Soldiers World Over!!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things