My New Year Resolution
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"We have more ability than willpower, and it is often an excuse to ourselves that we imagine that things are impossible". Francois de La Rochefoucauld
A fresh year is upon us, and the counter is ticking,
I carry out my recent resolutions for year-picking.
Self-discipline or staying in touch with family.
The family lives in the eternal heart, happily.
I will strain harder to retain my resolution,
to improve our planet for peace and evolution.
Faint waves of grace may clump a long way,
Conjure us a stable place and restrain evil at bay.
I wish to improve my family bonds this year,
They bestow concord, spirit, and a loving ear.
This year, I ought to transmute what I say,
Misunderstood words often ruin my day.
I'd aped to yield up even minor desires this year,
for they rarely come true and only wreak fear.
I wish to savor each moment with awareness.
Thoughtfully, I wish to increase my happiness.
The nonce ticking down to 2023 and midnight,
The preceding year viewed so much plight.
If I pick one resolution, it will be to be positive.
My cup half full stars glitter brighter, evocative.
No more premature sleepless nights are due,
Worry over the obnoxious, resentful few.
Learning to be grateful a million times over,
sharing prosperity with loads of delight sower.
My New Year's resolution was revealed in the past,
I hope that the year twenty-two will be our last.
I hope that the huge ball will achieve something,
It crushes the epidemic and the anguish it brings.
Written: November 26, 2022
Resolutions for 2023 Poetry Contest
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Copyright © Sotto Poet | Year Posted 2022
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