Missing You
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Missing You
The wind whispers and I focus my heart to hear.
Are you sending me your words?
Your thoughts?
I can think of nothing…but you.
My days are empty, and the clock moves slowly,
if not backward in reverse,
when I am not looking.
I hate time.
It has never been my friend,
It is not now.
The big man at the front will not tell me where you are.
He is cold and wears many colors on his vest.
It is okay.
The reality is enough.
You are safe, as “He” knows your venue, your place.
Angels are at your side, “His Love, His Grace”…
Prayed accordingly for you.
The first when I wake, the last when I sleep.
Swift return my love.
Soldiers take chances, but be smart.
Be fast, accurate and on the mark.
I am waiting, we are here.
Come home…
We cheer!
Copyright © Ann Foster | Year Posted 2019
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