Listen To the Sunflowers
"Don't Quit Your Daydream,"
I heard muffled
through the thick marshmallow.
Not quite awake,
I descended down the never sticky gummy ladder,
Never sticky,
Always smooth and gleaming.
Sunflower Jackhouse was still
Monitoring the monkey responses.
"Did someone call for me?"
I asked him rubbing my forehead,
Though when I saw my hand
It was on my belly.
"You look hungry, Titus," said Sunflower.
"My brother's name is Titus," I responded,
Taking my hand off my belly
And placing it on the feathered
Back of a purple flamingo that
Was just suddenly there.
"Don't quit your daydream, Titus," said Sunflower
Slyly sliding me a coupla tuna melt sliders.
"It was you," I said taking the plate.
Sunflower switched a few switches on the monkey board,
Smirked and looked back at me saying:
"Now we all become stars."
And then BOOM!
Copyright © Matt Caliri | Year Posted 2022
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