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Heart Universes

Hearts fill the universes on Valentine's Day
Pink and red are everywhere
My love I love you in every way
Being away from you I cannot bear
Can you still feel my love
Your card came and it has a loving flair
Wish I could send you a love dove
Far away I want you to stay warm
I know you are my truelove
Even in a thunderstorm
Together we are the perfect art form
Date Written: 1/13/2021
Heart Universes Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Regina McIntosh

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/15/2021 7:51:00 AM
Valentines Day is only a month away - i love this no matter if people say its merely a money making day. I love seeing people in love and therefore I loved you poem Paul, Well penned, Hugs, Jennifer.
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Goldsmith Avatar
Paula Goldsmith
Date: 1/16/2021 7:15:00 AM
Thanks for your note. So glad you love this one. Yes, Valentine's Day is a money maker like all holidays. It makes people feel great to get a card or flowers and that is a good things. Early "Valentine's Day" with blessings..............

Book: Shattered Sighs