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Has Our World Gone Mad

I’m confused At times bemused By the turn society’s taking, Sexuality so complex Gender needing further context All my preconceptions breaking. Are cows good On this we brood Carbon footprint the new quandary, Should we fly Or cycling try A simpler world I recall fondly. Left or Right The current fight Politicians all grandstanding, Little caring Overbearing Of our hearts and minds demanding. To take part Is quite an art Every word now needing measure, Opinions rue So fast to sue No surprise the past I treasure.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/8/2020 11:20:00 PM
it is horribly sad how the world gone completely mad. nice write. feel free to see and/or comment on mine. p.s. 'sleazy sally' is a hopeful poem. I guess. be well. safe and healthy. Daniel schack. danthemanwiththemasterplan.
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Date: 5/7/2020 9:03:00 AM
Hell Robert, this is the best of times. I believe a couple of Romans sat at the coliseum between fights pondering the same. Good Write. Tom
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Date: 5/7/2020 8:34:00 AM
Interesting and nostalgic write Robert, but I wonder if the world has actually changed. I sometimes wish we could go back to a simpler time, then I realize my reality back then was not the reality for so many others who were simply trying to be happy and live their own reality while society in many ways persecuted them for who they are. I'll accept the added complexity if it means they can find their own happiness. Nice write, made me think.
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