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Going Natural

Zillions of brown dead leaves cover my lawn Forming a moldy carpet of my own making, Most enterprising neighbors are up at dawn Unlike me, they are industriously raking. While I am content to see leaves piling higher Relishing news reports that we should not rake And much too stingy a few yard men to hire, I say they’re nature’s mulch, for goodness' sake!
Written November 12, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 11/13/2022 12:13:00 AM
“Industriously raking ” is such a waste of time.
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Hankins Avatar
L Milton Hankins
Date: 11/13/2022 8:19:00 AM
Nature has a way of taking care of these things.
Date: 11/12/2022 7:17:00 PM
Absolutely right! Nature's mulch! Especially delectable with a topping of snowflakes. ~ Cheap Dessert Eats
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 11/12/2022 8:42:00 PM
Date: 11/12/2022 10:50:00 AM
Lol, im watching them pile up on our lawn, im tempted to get a chainsaw to our neighbours tree that is the main culprit. Tom
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 11/12/2022 12:00:00 PM
I know how you and my neighbors feel. My huge sycamore spreads leaves to my closest neighbors, as well. I'm sure this time of the year, they hate me!

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