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God Doing Ungodly Acts

he was walking along amiably, unconcerned and all alone, a group of unknown mafia came along, an began cajoling teasing him on, in more ways than one, he ignored them to full and went about his way, looking to get out of their way as quick as he could, they were out to have their kind of "fun", and they began to go about getting just that, they shoved him, he looked back and glared at them, they narrowed on him, and crowded around and cornered him, they were many he was one, their circle was complete and he was at centre, one of them slapped him, the other kicked him, he cried in pain as affected parts swelled, he cried them to break the ring and let him away, two of them hurt him with sticks, another used a knife, blood started flowing from many parts, as he grimaced ,shrieked and fought in pain, now they had him down and were beating him to no end, they broke his teeth and many bones, he had by now lost litres of blood and was going to loose still some, in this meelee no one noticed that he had drawn, a black trigger from somewhere down his pant, as soon as they saw the glint of steel, they tried to snatch it away from him, but when they could not, they simply widened the ring and stood up ready to flee, before they could flee or turn around, he had pulled the trigger as many times, and had them on the ground, tell me did he do any wrong, no he probably did what god would have done.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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Date: 7/18/2009 6:40:00 PM
this is a great peice i agree he did the right thing chck out some of my poems
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