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Forever Doesn'T Last Very Long

He said he’d never break her heart. He said she was all that he wanted. He said he would love her forever. These days, forever doesn’t last very long.~ Little children don’t live with both parents. I heard a little girl explaining this. She said, “I have two mommies and two daddies.“ These days, forever doesn’t last very long.~ What has happened to this world? When one boy loved just one girl? When ‘til death do us part had meaning? These days, forever doesn’t last very long.~ Families are being torn apart. People keep getting broken hearts. When did this awful trend start? These days, forever doesn’t last very long.~ With sadness, I am writing this poem. Forever is something I can’t seem to find. So many just live for the moment. These days, forever doesn’t last very long.~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2005

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