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Faith That Endangers and Saves

Faith that endangers and saves It was 1988, Bogota, Colombia, during the time of (La Violencia) the 40 year war of insurgents against the government. At the same time Pablo Escobar was wreaking havok, killing and maiming thousands, all who opposed his cocaine empire. Americans who were found in the country were viewed with suspicion (were they DEA agents, were they spies?) I was there with 20 others (all North Americans) we were on a Christian missionary assignment, constructing the national headquarters and Bible publishing factory in a small town 40 kms outside of Bogota. The Bishop was not happy with us building in his town. He called and complained to the Mayor, who then called the Governor who then called the President, who then called the Military to intervene in what they thought was some illegal clandestine activity by Americans. Two convoys of soldiers came without warning, and broke into our compound, soldiers searching and screaming "donde estan los Gringos?" (where are all the Americans?) I was quickly hidden underneath a pile of wood in the carpentry shop, I could see the soldiers with their machine guns, in a frenzy checking everywhere. I prayed fervently for a half hour, supplicating God to save us! Not one of us were found that day! Faith that endangers Scorching animosity God's saving power For Faith Haibun Contest by Regina Riddle July 09,2020

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 8/18/2020 1:36:00 PM
Your faith shines strong and having read your notes and powerful poem ... you should write a book on your experiences, congrats on your win:-) hugs jan xx
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John Hamilton
Date: 8/18/2020 2:21:00 PM
Thanks Jan nice to "see" you today!
Date: 7/28/2020 2:13:00 AM
Such a miraculous experience John! You narrate it so intricately that I could live those moments reading it. Congratulations on your win! You really are an inspiration to me here. Blessings :)
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/28/2020 8:43:00 AM
Thanks Aditi, you are an inspiration to all of us, I'm glad you came by today with your kind words, it was truly a miracle!
Date: 7/24/2020 12:43:00 AM
What an experience....and you recount it all in just one captivating poem! Indeed, it was a miracle, John, as the striking end lines show. Regards // paul
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/24/2020 7:58:00 AM
Yes it was quite an experience Paul, God's saving power was surely evident, glad you came by today, nice to "see" you.
Date: 7/22/2020 10:03:00 PM
John, that is a truly amazing story of a miracle - Ps. 91 - beneath God's amazing wings. So glad you shared it so your testimony can be shared! I feel blessed to have read it. In my prayers.
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/23/2020 5:46:00 AM
Thanks Sam it was over thirty years ago but the memory is burned deeply in my mind, it's true miracles do happen!
Date: 7/22/2020 7:09:00 PM
What a rush that must have been John. Your entry is my favorite that I read so far. Congrats and maybe you should write those books.
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/23/2020 5:45:00 AM
Thanks Rob it was terrifying and exciting, but when it was over I knew it was a miracle they didn't find us. A book maybe in the works, thanks again.
Date: 7/22/2020 7:38:00 AM
Congrats on your winning entry and I am so happy you decided to enter. God bless you always, dear friend. Thank you
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/22/2020 9:44:00 AM
Thanks so much Gina
Date: 7/18/2020 1:43:00 AM
What a life saving experience, John! Our God is indeed faithful to save us when we stand for our faith:)
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/18/2020 8:31:00 AM
So true thanks Jo
Date: 7/11/2020 7:53:00 AM
wow, that is a real frightening experience and I am happy and proud that you stuck to your faith and did not let it falter... A great story my friend.
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/11/2020 11:48:00 AM
Thanks SO I had many such experiences in Colombia, I was able to speak about God to humble town folk, to para military soldiers, guerillas, government forces, it was quite a time. Kidnapping of Americans was rampant all over the country but I never had problems, because everyone knows JW's are neutral, we don't take sides in political situations. Like I said I could write a book about it.
Date: 7/10/2020 9:13:00 AM
Wow! Quite the experience.
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/10/2020 11:26:00 AM
Hey Rick nice to see you pass by my way, it was one of many experiences I had in Latin America!
Date: 7/10/2020 7:23:00 AM
So blessed am I with this testimony of yours. God be glorified and thanked. Thanks for sharing this, and likewise for your comments in my poem. Indeed, the Lord honours faith that pleases him. God bless you.
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/10/2020 11:24:00 AM
Thanks Beata so kind, your visit and comments are appreciated!
Date: 7/9/2020 5:09:00 PM
Wow, what an amazing story, John! God really intervened and protect you and your fellow Christians that day! We serve a Mighty God! :)
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/9/2020 5:56:00 PM
Thanks Laura it was 32 years ago but the memory is still vivid, I agree what a Mighty God is He, Almighty actually!!
Date: 7/9/2020 11:24:00 AM
Amazing story John--so glad they didn't find you--there is no law in some countries and no logical arguments can be made. Faith lives on!
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John Hamilton
Date: 7/9/2020 11:34:00 AM
Thanks Vijay, so true, one American was killed just one week earlier, the taxi she was in didn't stop at the military checkpoint, they opened fire and killed her. A scary circumstance but strangely I was at peace.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things