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Embrace Mystery

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Written: January 20, 2024 ___________________________________________ Sibylline stammer upswells I'd explore my innermost self My precious blue earplugs, which I dropped in 6th grade, Will be retrieved as I seek zealous bliss an elusive state seems to evade me, seldom beyond brief cameos. A friend got me a sadness box, and years later, I felt it was his finest gift, I'd start on a quest to find my jejunity spirit, Innocence without current anguish I aspire to recover my purity. Once eternal faith in various altruism won, alas, I intend to revive my heart with a firm faith in a transcendental force. I'd painstakingly dig for my roots-my core that molded my identity, I doubt I can reveal these gems, a box of sights might be full and unfathomable. If I find these elusive things, my propensity to sustain them is dubious, even in its brittle grace, Earth is iffy, for squandering what is precious. But my glance would persist, I believe that remaining hopeful is crucial, against allegedly overwhelming odds. I may not recover everything I lost, my genuine self may be detected, since that's all that matters.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/25/2024 9:16:00 AM
A jewel-encrusted exploration of one’s inner being devoid of cliche or platitude. Retrospect, current dilemmas, future prospects are imaginatively linked using the most opulent brushstrokes. Original self portrait against a backdrop of loss and gain. Yours is a peerless piece Sotto Poet. Many thanks for your generous overview and complementary critique of “Dark Gray Torrent.” Howard
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Date: 1/21/2024 11:30:00 AM
Sotto my friend, your poem is a poignant journey of self-exploration, encapsulating the poet's yearning for authenticity and connection with elements of the past. The use of evocative language and introspective themes contributes to a sense of depth and emotional resonance..In the end, the acknowledgment that recovering everything lost may be uncertain, but the detection of the genuine self is what truly matters adds a profound and affirming resolution to the poem, leaving the reader
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Silent One
Date: 1/21/2024 11:30:00 AM
with a sense of introspection and appreciation for the journey of self-discovery.
Date: 1/21/2024 9:22:00 AM
Dear Sotto, this is such a heartfelt & evocative write, diving deep into the dimension of yearning to gain one's innocence, purity and thriving essence back which got lost in those raging waves of life..Very true, we might not gain it all back but atleast it will land us on the path of self-discovery and it's all that holds value.. So rightly expressed and this really touched my heart..Every line, you've so skillfully crafted with your artistic quill..I absolutely admired reading this..brilliant
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Date: 1/21/2024 7:09:00 AM
If i ever wrote for this prompt this is what i would have thought of too, especially these lines “ I'd start on a quest to find my jejunity spirit, Innocence without current anguish I aspire to recover my purity.“ they hit me strong and hard. Somethings we wish we can get back, how heartfelt is that. And sincere. “ I may not recover everything I lost, my genuine self may be detected, since that's all that matters.” Yes thats all! Agreed! This hits hard and i love this! Best wishes for contest
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Date: 1/20/2024 5:04:00 PM
I enjoyed the mysterious journey and discovery of one's true self you created. I thought these lines were superb and unique: A friend got me a sadness box, and years later, I felt it was his finest gift. I felt the pain that this journey ultimately creates for everyone but, nonetheless, requires the persistence to which you refer. An uplifting almost spiritual read. have a great evening, your poetess friend in Texas, Sara
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Date: 1/20/2024 3:43:00 PM
Some secrets are worth keeping. Let them stay close, they just may be impossible to measure the extent of. Earth is iffy and judgmental. Embrace mystery, enjoy! I did.
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Date: 1/20/2024 3:15:00 PM
Finding oneself, is surely the greatest treasure that can be uncovered. The trappings of our doubt and effect of experiences, can conceal ones inner self from plain sight. To recover what is truly you is all that matters. A fine poem my dear Las.
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Date: 1/20/2024 2:59:00 PM
Your words are skillfully woven as you journey to find things you lost, and finding your true self in the process, Well penned Sotto
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Date: 1/20/2024 2:07:00 PM
Excellent. The future-a continual.mystery.
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