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Dinner For a Dung Beetle

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An article about a dung beetle Says they devour matter that’s faecal Imagine eating pooh It’s what dung beetles do The fetor of their breath must be lethal! 08-19-17

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/4/2017 4:53:00 PM
Hahaha! I've written my share of limericks and short verses on the dung beetle. One thing is certain, as long as other creatures eat, dung beetles will never starve! BTW, your Nantucket limerick is a gem, ending with a great word play as well. / M
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Jan Allison
Date: 9/5/2017 3:41:00 PM
Aww thanks for all your comments and support Maurice I just love the humour in the limerick form. I was very touched to find your poem for me today thank you so much for your kindness:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 9/4/2017 8:41:00 AM
I'm sending a tube of toothpaste forthwith - Just in case another dung beetle he may want to kiss - ha ha ha - a brilliant write "Jan". . . ; )
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Jan Allison
Date: 9/4/2017 12:46:00 PM
Thanks Indiana:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 8/27/2017 9:29:00 AM
this poem a load of s@@@ lol did you now size to weight strongest animal on the planet god i save some s@@@ in my head
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/27/2017 2:38:00 PM
ha ha ha maybe you saw the same BBC programme Stephen lol:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 8/27/2017 7:06:00 AM
Hahahah! Great limerick, Jan! Regards, John.
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/27/2017 7:38:00 AM
Cheers John I'm glad I made you smile with my silly poem:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/26/2017 3:01:00 PM
LMAO, who but you would think how bad a dung beetle's breath would smell? Love your sense of humour, my friend
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/26/2017 3:11:00 PM
I have to admit that final line is my favourite and who but me would write poems about dung beetles lol:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/23/2017 8:40:00 PM
Lol, funny stuff Jan! And the picture is funny too with the beetle standing up holding the "poo"; it looks like if he let go of it it would roll over on him!~Che :)
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/24/2017 2:37:00 AM
The beetles are incredibly strong Cheryl and they can push these poop balls a long distance:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/21/2017 2:08:00 PM
Some people could compete well with the beetle!. morning breath......Nice limerick Jan
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/21/2017 2:16:00 PM
ha ha ha Joseph that is a class comment lol:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/21/2017 1:19:00 PM
Phew! A fork-in-the-ribs funny limerick, Jan. Yeah, those beetlejuice boys got a bad case of BB (bad breath.) Lol poem from your gifted pen. Love and hugs.
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/21/2017 1:22:00 PM
Thank you Freddie:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 8/20/2017 1:45:00 PM
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/20/2017 2:38:00 PM
I had a feeling you would like this one Agnes:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 8/20/2017 5:53:00 AM
As always Jan I can rely on you to lift my spirits, brilliant limerick your a star. :))
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/20/2017 11:39:00 AM
aww thanks Roy I try and make folks smile and the odd poopy poem sneaks in I particularly like this one lol:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/20/2017 4:20:00 AM
HA HA! It must be lethal! But these dung beetles are a good part of the regular cycles of nature! They do help the environment! Your poem is extraordinary! I thought it to be a spectacular limerick, right up there with some of your best my friend! I really loved reading this awesome piece this morning, Great work!!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/20/2017 4:30:00 AM
Glad you enjoyed Russell i was trying to inject some humour into the site:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 9:41:00 PM
Holy crap, that's a big ball of dung. Relatively speaking anyway. Very funny poem Jan. 80] rpat
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/20/2017 3:33:00 AM
lol thanks Roger Pat :-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 8:33:00 PM
oh I tried to comment to your comment at my Dunkirk poem but it would not even post. I am having a big trouble today with posting stuff !!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/20/2017 3:32:00 AM
I can only reply to 2 comments at a time then have to go back ti my home page and go back in and reply t 2 more its a real pain:-) hugs Jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 8:33:00 PM
haha, GREAT as always you are with these odd jokes!! What a name DUNG beetle!! Let's hope we are not reincarnated to one!!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/20/2017 3:32:00 AM
after all the crap on soup today i had to do a poop poem lol:-) hugs jan x
Date: 8/19/2017 5:14:00 PM
ha! very clever, jan!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 5:59:00 PM
Cheers Ilene i thought you would appreciate this one - it may be poop but its funny :-0 hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 1:49:00 PM
"Now" I know all is right in the world, when Jan dips her pin in dung...Love it!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 6:00:00 PM
After the crap of POTD Charlie i had to write something poop lol - we had caught part of a BBC programme recently and it was about dung beetles and this was the result lol:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 1:42:00 PM
Hi Jan, i needed a smile after the POTD debacle and i new where to come. Of course i was correct, the anger slips and the smile becomes wide. Mind you, i will spend quite a while giggling again. I love to giggle. Ex cellent limerick as always. This one shall join the others in my faves. Hope you are well Jan. Hugs....Mike. XX
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 6:01:00 PM
Cheers Mike I had to get a funny poem on my page after all the crap with POTD. I am glad i could make folks smile:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 12:43:00 PM
I almost didn't want to read this one... Dinner! for a, Dung Beetle!... Yuck.... I wonder how many or in the Outhouse :( you are so funny ... I'll just keep you
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 6:02:00 PM
Cheers Eve I'm glad i made you smile:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 12:07:00 PM
- Imagine waking up in bed with a dung beetle ... poor his wife ... by the way ... ... she probably eats the same dinner :))) .... It will be the same as the garlic - It stinks, Jan :)))
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 12:21:00 PM
ha ha ha Anne Lise love that comment:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 10:33:00 AM
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 12:20:00 PM
glad it made you smile Dale i sure needed a giggle today:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 10:02:00 AM
Lol!That is a funny image.When I see a "dung beetle" I will turn around:-) Alexis
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 12:20:00 PM
LOl Alexis I don't think we have them here on the Island lol but i will watch my step:-0 hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 8:39:00 AM
That's too disgusting to contemplate...but coming from you, it takes on a funny connotation, Jan.
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Lane Avatar
Lin Lane
Date: 8/19/2017 1:01:00 PM
All things are made right eventually, Jan. You'll see. No with me.
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 8:53:00 AM
I thought as the poop is hitting the fan on soup I would write a nice poopy poem today lol:-) Hope i made you smile Lin I feel like crying to be honest it is a sad day for soup:-( hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 8:13:00 AM
Yucky, I can think of no good reason! Funny!, I wonder what eats the beetles "droppings"
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 8:22:00 AM
ha ha ha Mike I will leave that for you to discover but it is an interesting question - the ultimate in recycling i guess lol:-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 8:13:00 AM
Boy--what a LOL moment!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 8:20:00 AM
glad it made you smile Vijay xx :-) hugs jan xx
Date: 8/19/2017 8:12:00 AM
L O L perfect pen Jan! Giggles galore xomo!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 9:36:00 AM
ha ha ha i wish I'd know that song Maureen lol thanks for making ME smile I sure needed it:-) hugs jan xx
Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 8/19/2017 9:24:00 AM
Lots of poop being flung, brings to mind a childhood song..."if you ever get hit with a bucket of sh*t be sure to close your eyes" ;) A microcosm of society at large this soup; reminds me of high school. I'm thankful I finished school before the advent of the web. Hugs lovely lady!
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Jan Allison
Date: 8/19/2017 8:20:00 AM
Glad it made you smile Mo I feel like crying seeing the vitriol aimed at a fellow souper - no wonder people leave the site:-( hugs jan xx

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