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Dancing With Poppies

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Dancing with Poppies 9/21/2023 In love with sunrises and sunsets, I began waltzing with poppies with glee. Then came the stark realization, that someone might be watching me! For to express one’s spirit so fully is not appreciated in today’s uptight, online society. Even, the words “ online society” presented me with base, lonely , staccato keys! Where we really do not know the other, sadly, only, the keystrokes, what totally, odd hegemony? Who is real and who is not~ gives one plentiful food for thought aplenty! These thoughts are always with me, and play a strange, melodic,haunting, lonely , cacophony! I decided to cast my fate to the winds,,dance in sunsets and poppies forever, my heart , its drumbeat, forever, dancing in glorious glee!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 3/25/2024 12:59:00 PM
A free spirited and exuberant beauteous poem, dear Pangie. I really enjoyed it. You have such a wondrous freedom loving soul. All the bountiful of God's blessings to you. ~ xoxx
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 3/26/2024 9:30:00 AM
God bless you for such an array of gotgeous words, Regina! The glory of Spring does noy go wasred on me, i have been findding poems, i replied to with missineg rep,ies, if you ever find me not rep,ying, notify me. I try to reply the same day, Pangie xx
Date: 10/4/2023 4:16:00 AM
I sincerely loved this poem. It expresses my feelings and experiences. Folks are conveniently too detached in today's digital world. Who's real and who's not...I wonder that as well. Seems quite sad and lonely to me. I much prefer gentle, kind, respectful folks rather than those who hide behind their keystrokes, some of which can be harsh. At my age (71), I really don't care what they think. Let me be. I think I've earned that. :-) smiles..have a blessed day, Sara
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/6/2023 5:56:00 PM
10/6..Hello, Sara! I feel as you..what’s with all the detachment? The internet has been a killer. People fearful of writing more than two sentences! Anyway, what in the world can you say in two sentences?. I know younger people do like that or think the world can be run on text messages. Baloney!! You are still a youngster. And will stay young because you have a positive way of living and thinking. You value people and you’re willing to express that.. of course you earned your right and so have I! I will not hush or be quiet. So come! Let’s go dance in the poppies, shall we? Thank you, Pangie
Date: 9/30/2023 5:47:00 AM
What a wonderfully floral inspired presentation of raw emotions! Woven in to an observation of societies double standard and disconnect brought about by faceless interaction. Thanks for the wisdom! By now it's hardly a secret but I have a soft spot for monorhymes. Thoroughly enjoyed this one on my favorites list it goes... A.S.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/30/2023 11:04:00 AM
AS, it’s OK you like mono-rhymes…I delight in your honesty. Will have to do a dance dedicated to that special aspect of your character! Be in charge of your mind, do not listen to trash! It hurts us all. We are netter and bigger. Pangie xx
Date: 9/23/2023 4:01:00 PM
I agree that expressing ones spirit is frowned upon, yet we seem free to pen all we wish from heart. I like your poem.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/23/2023 8:03:00 PM
Bless you for your honest and open heart., Karen I was raised to be a quiet, obedient child, I was, but as we grow, we learn self expression is important. Some never grow to find that joy……some will even dislike us, it’s OK. Be you….Pangie xx
Date: 9/23/2023 10:13:00 AM
Let them watch you dancing Panagiota mou, show them how to live life amongst the poppies. Unfortunately there are not many of them in this chaotic world, but may I join you. Hugs and blessings, Jennifer.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/23/2023 10:39:00 AM
Kali Mera. Jennifer Mou! I think that you are a poppie dancer. As well. There are flowers all over this planet. Do not let the craziness of crackpots ruin your days…Be a light for sweet Clara always..She and Eddie are shining hues-of the future. The planet we are blessed to lve on is gorgeous! We can circle dance in the poppies. Your siste, Pangie xxx
Date: 9/21/2023 8:51:00 PM
You think 'Big Poppy' was watching you?! lol... ~ O. P. Oid
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/21/2023 9:19:00 PM
I thought, perhaps you were MIA today. LOL! Please clarify what P.Old means. Thanks When I dance,am lost in a alternate universe. Glad you made an appearance,,Applause! Pangie xx
Date: 9/21/2023 5:04:00 PM
Pangie, I'm glad you decided to dance in the poppies, instead of feeling shadowed by those other unknowns. Hopefully it's just us poets, the keystroke masters, watching what you write, anyways.
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/21/2023 9:28:00 PM
Good evening David! I think I am danced out for today.for sure people watch us….keystroke masters do. They are there to catch us should we fall and the best of them, help us up.They are true winners in our live and theirs. Thank you for visiting. Pangie xx
Date: 9/21/2023 3:35:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, i can picture you dancing among the poppies in sunrise or su set. Hugs. xxxx/Darlene\
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 10/9/2023 10:25:00 AM
Hello Panagiota, Those were fun times. even better with the lake below. Your welcome. Hugs. xxx/Darlene\
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 10/6/2023 6:50:00 PM
Darlene! We both rolled down hills. I rolled down high ones In Wisconsin. I can still recall the smell of fresh-cut , emerald grass and the glistening lake, sparkling below! Thank you for sharing this. Pangie xx
De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 9/22/2023 3:53:00 PM
Hello Panagiota, Well i never ran through the grass. But i did roll down a hill. These memories are good ones. Hugs. /Darlene/ xxx
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/21/2023 3:41:00 PM
Oh, I am so glad you can, a young girl, I loved running barefoot on freshmown grass….also..loved w rolling down hills of smooth fragrant grass. These memories never left me. Thanks my friend,,Pangiexx
Date: 9/21/2023 2:51:00 PM
Pangje, I love poppies, sunrise and sunset too, they are God’s glorious artwork creating a beautiful view… Belle
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Panagiota Romios
Date: 9/21/2023 3:27:00 PM
Hello, Belle, Poppies are orange in California. I had no idea, they also come in blue!! I don’t know where? What color are they where you live? Ah,what a colorful world. Nice to see you today.thank you for reading me this afternoon. Pangie xx .

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