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Creepy Crap At Crapper Barrel

O.K. here is what happened. Went for dinner at neighborhood C.B. and ordered my usual.Waitress new to the game immediately brought our tea with our bread.Had the option of hot bread now or cold bread with food that followed about fifteen minutes later. Opted to eat it hot.Corn muffins yummy with BlackBerry jam and butter washed down with iced tea.Powered through it in short order,what to do now? Saw peg game across table reached to bring it to myself As a person self diagnosed with Aspergers I have a proclivity for routine and patterns.I am most comfortable when employing routine and cannot help but notice patterns.So when I tell you this story keep this in mind. My plan was to do what I always do.I bring all pegs back to free up the top of the triangle as well as put like colors together as far as possible. When I looked down on the game board no empty places.I commented on this as I moved the blue peg at the apex to the game on the empty table to the right that was minus a few pegs. Now I never fret the first game as I consider it like the first pancake meant to flop.However this will go on record as the worst ever.I hustled to put the pegs back on the board before my husband was aware of the depth of mine own Idiocy. As I had been pulling the pegs with my right hand I placed them in my left that was in my lap.When I went to put them back however I was now short two pegs.I checked my lap ,I checked the floor ,the table,and even my purse which was open under the table.The second peg was just gone. Did you see that ?, I asked . Mr .Oblivious said nope.He had seen nothing. He also said I had probably overlooked an empty place on the board.You would have thought he had not lived with me 21 years. I in return commented that We know for a fact that matter can be manipulated as water to wine,five thousand men alone fed with two fish and five loaves.Mr.O thought it would be a good time to point out that I am not Jesus something I never pretended nor alluded to being. Add to my bewilderment a dollop of irritation.I Looked up lost item phenomenon when I got home which led me to quantum incoheviousness .Did you know the glue that holds it all together is called Gluons and can be effected by environment.On the most basic level heat expands cold contracts .With quantum computing and Cern we are playing with what we have no comprehension of the consequences.Toddlers just pushing away at buttons to see what happens .Where I ask are the adults in charge?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 2/21/2023 7:11:00 AM
I found this very interesting Vickey. I think the toddlers are profound geniuses and hope they figure out how to get the blocks in the correct position before they explode (the blocks, not the toddlers). :)
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Vickey Rhymer
Date: 2/21/2023 3:42:00 PM
Funny comment Linda.We have to laugh for what is the alternative?Thanks for reading my drivel.

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