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Do you want to know what broken feels like? It’s the feeling when your mother tells you she doesn’t care if you’re dead It’s the dry mouth because you’ve cried double the amount of what you drank today Its trying to keep everyone else out of the sizzling frying pan While you fall into the volcano It’s walking home, but you don’t have a home anymore, so you walk until your feet give up It’s trying to pick up the pieces of your broken heart and losing shards in your hand, While bleeding out Blood diluted with salty tears It’s the inability to do anything but think; You can’t pick up a pen anymore, you can’t write you can hardly smile because there is a fire burning behind your eyes A fire hotter than a million suns yet colder than a killer’s heart It burns people who get too close So, you’re left, burned out with no one left around you Holding the ash of your own heart Feeling yourself drowning while you watch everyone around you swim Telling you to ‘just breathe’ To hate yourself because too much of anything is bad for you But you still know, nobody cares

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 6/9/2019 3:33:00 PM
Yes, I came from an abusive broken family and was on my own at 15. I too isolated myself and was alone. It was not until I was in my 20's that I broke down my walls and proclaimed my victory. I am worthwhile and good. You keep telling yourself everything positive every day over and over even if you don't believe it and it will be so. I promise you!!! You can overcome darkness. Don't believe the lies and believe in yourself. True goodness and real love will come to you.
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Date: 5/24/2019 1:01:00 PM
Hello Maria Mc Goldrick, so nice to meet you. Welcome to Poetry Soup. Your poem is so sad, I had tears in my eyes. Have a nice day my friend. looking forward to read more of your poetry.KH
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things