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Black White Yellow Red

Black, white, yellow, red, to the Fed we are just sheep for herding, those defiant put to sleep – know governments with evil have got into bed, knee-cap the rule of law, resulting in crime and greater fear, no hope for a society living with constant dread – Destroy their non-compliant God! State to take the place, as Stalin, Hitler, Mao righteously said – Demons wear suits and fly private jets – the rest of us back to horses and buggies, pacified with lurid performances, manipulated into being mindless druggies –

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/26/2023 11:41:00 PM
A sad tale Joe, even sadder that its true. Well worded, intelligence and passion into one strong poem. Excellent,
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Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 1/27/2023 7:13:00 AM
Hi Wen; what amazes me is, how many people seem to be alright this insanity: 100,000 deaths from drug overdose last year. One million abortions. Little lives snuffed out. Theft, rape and murder at record highs. Once vibrant, thriving city streets becoming human sewers -- hungry, tired refuge seeking human beings treated as if cattle, corralled at the US border, and then stampeded into the nation only to change the balance of power for the elite, politically connected (a game to them) -- My apology, most ranchers treat their cattle better than Marxist leaning governments treat breathing, sacred bodies with spiritual, God created souls. But what do I know? Just one of the many great unwashed, getting my news from the internet.
Date: 1/24/2023 10:15:00 PM
Come to Malta, money corrupts many while the homeless remain out in the cold.
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Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/25/2023 9:54:00 PM
The poir here get cash for apts, food, all medical care and free iPhones. Oh, O forgot free needles for drugs 0eop,e love the street,ice here, in Frisco the POOR will urinate on you, if you don’t give them enough money. The streets inSF are human toilets, no kidding. You do your business on the street in public! Then call the city to pick it up. They love tent life. Get it? The money is theirs, no landlord Take a cold person home! Why not?
Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 1/25/2023 4:11:00 AM
Hi Victor; again, I must repeat, I am nobody, have no influence (since my vote seems no longer to mean anything) (recent Arizona Elections as prime example), but the FBI, CIA, and Military have let the people of the Nation down. Based on what I see. Rank and file members are carrying out the raids on seemingly innocent people -- not the ones at the top~ so called, Bad Eggs. Our military is suppose to protect its citizens against foreign and DOMESTIC threats...where are they? They do great with foreign...but the Domestic part? We are being invaded at our Southern Border. Not privy to inside information, my opinion is just a common-man's perspective. The poles of the earth shifting is the least of our concerns -- the earth has lost its moral compass. The USA..
Date: 1/24/2023 7:27:00 PM
Reading what you said to Pangie below . I was one of those chastised and even today, the brainwashed remain brainwashed. No amount of evidence convinces them because they only believe the corrupt news on tv and a censored internet.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 1/24/2023 7:50:00 PM
Hi Andrea; I think a lot of the members here think the way that you do. They just choose to be silent. Sadly, when the many decide to remain silent then a small loud few seem the majority. From the beginning I never believed the hype around masks, and I also prescribe to past government policy, that new vaccines need years of testing before given a green light. There is sound medical reason for such practice. My understanding anyway. No doctor myself.
Date: 1/24/2023 7:23:00 PM
Wow. You sure got it right, Joe. If only all the world could see this and band together to stop it.
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Joe Dimino
Date: 1/24/2023 7:58:00 PM
Try and vote them out...but I think, if positive change is to come, it will have to come from the inside, people already in positions of power developing a conscience~ taking back their souls. My thoughts on the subject for the little they may be worth. Blessings my friend.
Date: 1/24/2023 1:44:00 PM
Hitler was insane and lived on crystal meth. Who knows what our SwAmp creatures live on. For sure, our money And mandates, fear, lies and our money. For all the world…Killing babies is big money. As is getting rid of the elderly ASAP. Hence, we pay six dollars for eggs, so they can fly to Davos and listen to Al Gore Lie with no concience. Glad that, loon never was POTUS. 46 is a horror show without a brain… Pangie xx thank
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Maverick Avatar
Joe Maverick
Date: 1/25/2023 10:54:00 AM
Do you know he was also in The occoult? The truth is There.'
Romios Avatar
Panagiota Romios
Date: 1/24/2023 4:34:00 PM
One man, literally says this in a reply.ugh. He’s so loved here. Not by me I turned pale when I saw it. And wanted to vomit. Each time I see his face and read his sickening comments that are so sweet …..suppose he’s a vicious you know what I’m not gonna say the word. He just needs a Nazi uniform and a death camp. Ready. “ANYONE WHO REFUSES THE VACCINE…SHOULD BE KILLED” Worse, tbe commentor agreed with him ?? God help us. Pangie
Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 1/24/2023 4:18:00 PM
Hi Pangie; you know, going back in Soup's history over the past 2 years, there are writers here who had openly chastised, insulted other writers for refusing to wear a mask -- put seriously concerned people down for thinking it was especially wrong to force a 4 year old to wear one -- harshly criticized were people not trusting the efficacy of Covid vaccines for everyone...I have not heard one Mea Culpa now that dissenters are proven to have been right.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things