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Beauty Rose

Poet's Notes

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“The sweetest flower that blows, I give you as we part. For you it is a Rose, for me it is my heart.” – Frederick Peterson, The Sweetest Flower That Blows
In many shades of floral, flawless beauty their variant scents, sometimes fruity. Swaying in sunbeams, joy flows Solo dance, wind blows. Heart-stopping Rose Smile dropping Garden beauty pose in lazy heat's daydream throes. Bringing luxury to days, duly In many shades of floral, flawless beauty
Written on 1/22/2023 For: Writing Challenge - Andaree Form - Poetry Contest Sponsor: Constance La France

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 2/5/2023 11:41:00 PM
Ahh!! The quote is wonderful. Congratulations on this winner in the contest. Sara
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 2/6/2023 10:07:00 AM
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sara. :)
Date: 2/4/2023 7:00:00 AM
Evelyn, a beautiful poem and congratulations on your win in my Writing Challenge, Andaree form, well done, I love your image and the quote, Constance
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 2/4/2023 9:30:00 AM
Thank you so much for your warm words of congratulations, Constance. I'm honored to have won. I enjoyed your contest immensely. Evelyn
Date: 1/27/2023 12:25:00 PM
Hello Evelyn, this is my favourite flower. the color i like best in a rose is red the next would be pink. Hugs.
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 1/27/2023 3:53:00 PM
Hello Evelyn, Roses has always been my favourite flower. I love the shape of it. Red in roses is my fav. number one. then pink is my next fav. I hope allis well with you. it is going to snow here all week. Hugs.
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/27/2023 3:15:00 PM
Hello Darlene, thank you for your thoughts. I am so pleased to have written about your favorite flower, in your favorite shade. Hugs.
Date: 1/25/2023 11:31:00 PM
Hello Evelyn,a great poem,Evelyn Be blessed!
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/26/2023 10:49:00 AM
Hello Mulu, thank you so much for your warm appreciation. Kindest regards.
Date: 1/24/2023 5:04:00 AM
the beauty of any poem is not just the poet's words but where the poet takes us exploring within.....line by line came wonderful remembrances of rose gardens i have visited....and the rose in Mrs. Miniver which for me became the symbol of the strength of women in life's darkest moments...thanks Evelyn for the walk in beauty
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/24/2023 9:11:00 AM
You are more than welcome, Timothy. I am gratified that this poem provided such an excursion. Thank you for your warm remarks. :)
Date: 1/23/2023 5:19:00 AM
- So beautiful...hope this tops the winners list...good luck :) - hugs
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/23/2023 10:37:00 AM
Thank you very much, Anne-Lise. :) hugs
Date: 1/22/2023 9:56:00 PM
This poem is as beautiful as the rose it depicts. Best for a win.
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/23/2023 10:35:00 AM
Thank you for the delight of your warm appreciation. :)
Date: 1/22/2023 9:21:00 PM
Lovely! Incredible poem. I love this! <3
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/23/2023 10:25:00 AM
I appreciate your warm remarks, BJ. :)
Date: 1/22/2023 8:59:00 PM
Gorgeous! A potential winner!
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/23/2023 10:24:00 AM
Thank you so much, Kim. :)
Date: 1/22/2023 4:16:00 PM
You have excelled, Evelyn, in capturing the enchanted quality that distinguishes this Rose. Best wishes for the contest.
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Evelyn Judy Buehler
Date: 1/22/2023 7:06:00 PM
Thank you very much for the pleasure of your comment, Lasaad. Have a wonderful week.

Book: Shattered Sighs