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Beautiful Flowers

I love pink rose flowers
Kept safe by thorns on the flowers
Big smiling sunflowers
Wide face opening up to the red sun, flowers
Ruffled white carnation flowers
petticoats worn beneath the flowers
Many colors of lily flowers
Their cups make the perfect rain catching flowers
Beautiful purple lilac flowers
Each bud comes to make it's own flowers
Daffodils known as buttercup flowers
Beautiful little yellow spring flowers
Big or small orchid flowers
The smell from one fills the room like a bouquet of flowers
The yard is filled with dandelion flowers
Make a tea-make a salad flowers
Yellow or white petals from daisy flowers
He loves me-he loves me not flowers
Date Written: 8/6/2021
8/8/2021 Poem of the Day Winner "Beautiful Flowers"
2 Place
9/1/2021 The Marmite Poem Contest Judged: 9/1/2021
Sponsored by: Natasha L Scragg

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 9/2/2021 8:17:00 AM
To me, your talented, creative poem ended with a perfect last line. I feel Marmite ignorant because I have no idea what it means. Reading a few of them only confused me more.. Your poem is absolutely beautiful, Paula. Thank you for the warm and personable comments on my pages. I had no time to write for over a year, but that's been corrected as only Our Father can correct conditions and turn them into blessings. I will at some point read the poems you mentioned. I look forward to it.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 9/3/2021 12:27:00 PM
Thank You, for your note and for your very kind words. It is an extra huge honor to have two wins on this write. This has made my day. Glad you like this fun flower one. Many rewrites. Yes, life gets in the way but God always works it out. Have a great/blessed day with a hug.........
Date: 9/1/2021 4:09:00 PM
Wow! Congrats! Thanks for sharing this. God bless you.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 9/3/2021 12:21:00 PM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an extra huge honor to have two wins on this write. This has made my day. Glad you like this fun flower write. Have a great/blessed day.........
Date: 9/1/2021 3:09:00 AM
Excellent side dishes you added to the meat of flowers in your list. Relieves the monotony of a simple grocery list. Well-done, congrats on your placement. Just a bit curious about your repetitive replies.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 9/3/2021 12:19:00 PM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an extra huge honor to have two wins on this write. This has made my day. Glad you like this write. Have a great/blessed day.........
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Reason A. Poteet
Date: 9/1/2021 3:10:00 AM
Maybe a bit jumbled, but jublilant for the occasion of honoring Jack for who he is.
Date: 8/12/2021 4:05:00 AM
Back to say congratulations Paula...Delice
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/12/2021 9:14:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like this "Beautiful Flowers" write. Have a great/blessed day.........
Date: 8/11/2021 11:14:00 AM
Your kind nature and character shows in the poems you write, the comments you make and the smile on your face, you so deserved POTD for this amazing write - congratulations my dear friend and huge apologies that I am somewhat late with my comment, time has become a scarce commodity, Hugs and blessings, Jennifer.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/11/2021 12:03:00 PM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Did you say, "amazing write"??? Thank You Very Much. No apologies needed, one is never late with kind words. Glad you like write. Have a great/blessed day with a hug..............
Date: 8/10/2021 9:20:00 AM
Oh, I feel surrounded by these colorful flowers . I love flowers and I love your beautiful poem so much my dear friend Paula. Congratulations on your POTD! hugs
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/11/2021 11:48:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you love this flower write. I am glad I could surround you with colorful/pretty flowers. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/9/2021 10:54:00 AM
- I love flowers no matter the color ... thank you for this lovely poem, Paula :) - Congratulations on your p.o.t.d. :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/10/2021 8:54:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like this one. I am with you, I love all colors of flowers. Have a great/blessed day with hugs.................
Date: 8/9/2021 4:01:00 AM
A lovely, romantic write Robert, congratulations on your POTD!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:57:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like this one about my flowers. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/9/2021 3:45:00 AM
Beautiful Paula! Congratulations on your honor of potd! Well done
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:55:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like this write. I enjoyed writing it. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/9/2021 3:03:00 AM
Love this Muse on Flowers, Paula. Congrats on earning POTD with it. Write away, for it's a new day (now)! :) gw
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:54:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you love my flowers. Yes, a new day so write away. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/9/2021 1:25:00 AM
Back with congratulations on POTD Paula. Well deserved, Emilia : )
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:52:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Thanks for coming back again. Glad you like this write. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/8/2021 11:56:00 PM
What a lovely colourful poem with great imagery on beautiful flowers that smile cheerfully... Hearty congrats on your POTD dear Paula... Enjoy the honour... Have a blessed day... Hugs... ~ Ani
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:48:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like my colorful flowers. It was fun to write. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/8/2021 10:58:00 PM
A wonderful bouquet of flowers that delights the heart. Congratulations for your POTD.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:47:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like my flower bouquet write. I hope it will delight many hearts. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/8/2021 9:38:00 PM
BACK, CONGRATULATIOns, Paula 5x over on ths beautiful work! Panagiota
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:43:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Thanks for coming back. Glad you like this one. Have a great/blessed day..................
Date: 8/8/2021 6:33:00 PM
A lovely write! Congratulations on POTD!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:40:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like my flower write. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/8/2021 5:15:00 PM
May each one of these "beautiful flowers" continue to embrace you. Your words bring a smile to my heart. Congratulations Paula, on Poem of the Day. :) Hugs, Brandy
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:39:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad my flowers put a smile on your heart. I love to give out smiles. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/8/2021 5:10:00 PM
Paula, a lovely flower poem, congratulations on POTD!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:37:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you love this flower write. Have a great/blessed day.................
Date: 8/8/2021 4:48:00 PM
I really enjoyed this Paula! Congrats on achieving POTD!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:35:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you enjoyed this write about flowers. Have a great/blessed day.........
Date: 8/8/2021 2:18:00 PM
Loved your delightful poem dear Paula. Flowers are so beautiful and you captured their beauty in your POTD. Sending many congratulations to you. With kindest thoughts Ann xx
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/9/2021 9:34:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like my beautiful flowers. Have a great/blessed day.........
Date: 8/8/2021 10:31:00 AM
Wow. So Great! Congratulations!
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/8/2021 11:05:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. A WOW??? Thanks. So glad you like this one. Have a great/blessed~day/week.......
Date: 8/8/2021 9:40:00 AM
Paula, beautiful and congratulations on receiving POEM OF THE DAY enjoy the honor ~ love and serenity _Constance
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/8/2021 9:54:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. So glad you like this write. Have a great/blessed~day/week.......
Date: 8/8/2021 9:22:00 AM
So well-written, Paula. Congratulations on POTD and best wishes for the contest.
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/8/2021 9:51:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like my summer flower write. Have a great/blessed~day/week.......
Date: 8/8/2021 8:55:00 AM
Congrats on POTD, Paula! Fragrance and Flowers, Gershon
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/8/2021 9:42:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like all my summer flowers. It is the best time of the year. Have a great/blessed~day/week...............
Date: 8/8/2021 8:22:00 AM
Congratulations Paula! This is a beautiful poem... And a lovely entry for the contest. So many flowers to marvel at. Especially during this season. X
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/8/2021 9:43:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like this one. Summer flowers are the best. Have a great/blessed~day/week...............
Date: 8/8/2021 6:47:00 AM
Paula, this is delightful! I like how you not only listed the flowers but also what they are known for. Congrats on your POTD honor! Blessings, Kim M
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Paula Goldsmith
Date: 8/8/2021 9:31:00 AM
Thank You, for your note and for your congratulations. It is an honor to get POTD. This has made my day/week. Glad you like how I did this List of flower write. It was different. Have a great/blessed~day/week...............

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry