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2 Timothy 3:1 For In the Last Days Perilous Times Will Come Part One

2 Timothy 3:1 "This is one thing that you should know, that in the last days perilous times will come for men will be lovers of themselves and lovers of money.not God.." paraphrase. Instead of being lovers of God. Sounds like it is a news flash on the daily local news channels or the daily press. Not to mention everyone's very own social media sites! The world perilous probably does mean more than one thing. But in this case the word dangerous could most likely be substituted for it. Television action shows have never been more violent and yes spooky than they currently are today. The infamous F boom is used by some people as part of their every day speech and conversations. Not to mention on rated DVD's and Blue Ray Disk and/or downloaded movies! Violence, like it or not, has become a part of our every day average existence! "When you see these things come to pass look up for your redemption draws night" look up. What does that mean? When you see certain signs on earth and in the second heavens, we are to know for certain! His second coming is coming near. It talks about plagues, earth quakes, and famines. These relate to the second coming. But some Biblical scholars don't believe they pertain to the Rapture! "Because the Rapture is sign-less!" After all isn't Jesus to return, to the middle of the cloudy skies, like "a thief in the night?" Of course he is we are not to know the day or the hour just the signs and the seasons! Did perilous times exist during the days of Noah and Lot? Of course they did! People were going about their everyday tasks when God's judgement destroyed the wicked and preserved the righteous!.Noah and his family and Lot and his two daughters. Lot was righteous but neither were his wife and his two daughters! Perilous times have existed since before the days of recorded history by mankind! But things would all culminate meaning come together during the last days! Violence was the chief sin of Noah's generation and sodomy was one of the key signs of Lot's generation! We have both violence and sodomy that are two key signs of Jesus Christ's eminent return! The Rapture is widely accepted as the next prophetic event on God's calendar! But what about signs? Including the alignment of nations in the last days and the end times? The alliance of the Communist nations with the enemy Muslim nations! Is growing more obvious every day even to casual committed observers! We are the watchmen! Roxanne Lea Dubarry November 09-10, 2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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