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Famous Superfluous Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Superfluous poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous superfluous poems. These examples illustrate what a famous superfluous poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...t he can read, 
And write. He learned it all at school.”—He smiled, 
And answered with a fervor that rang then 
Superfluous: “Had I learned a little more 
At school, it might have been as well for me.”
And I remember now that he paused then, 
Leaving a silence that one had to break. 
But this was long ago, and there was now 
No laughing in that house. We were alone 
This time, and it was Avon’s time to talk.

I waited, and anon became aware 
That I was...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...Of tender years, infirm and desolate Age,Which hates itself and its superfluous days,With each blest order to religion vow'd,Whom works of love through lives of want engage,To thee for help their hands and voices raise;While our poor panic-stricken land displaysThe thousand wounds which now so mar...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...ters is no joke,Nor birdlime on the twig. Enough my griefWhen a superfluous prideIn a fair lady many virtues hides.There is who answereth without a call;There is who, though entreated, fails and flies:There is who melts 'neath ice:There is who day and night desires his death. ...Read more of this...

by Robinson, Edwin Arlington
...That evening, at “The Chrysalis,” I found 
The faces of my comrades all suffused 
With what I chose then to denominate 
Superfluous good feeling. In return,
They loaded me with titles of odd form 
And unexemplified significance, 
Like “Bellows-mender to Prince Æolus,” 
“Pipe-filler to the Hoboscholiast,” 
“Bread-fruit for the Non-Doing,” with one more
That I remember, and a dozen more 
That I forget. I may have been disturbed, 
I do not say that I was not annoyed, 
Bu...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...stranger disappeared
Though first upon a berry fat
Miraculously fared
How paltry looked my cares
My practise how absurd
Superfluous my whole career
Beside this travelling Bird...Read more of this...

by Jeffers, Robinson
...The storm-dances of gulls, the barking game of seals,
Over and under the ocean ...
Divinely superfluous beauty
Rules the games, presides over destinies, makes trees grow
And hills tower, waves fall.
The incredible beauty of joy
Stars with fire the joining of lips, O let our loves too
Be joined, there is not a maiden
Burns and thirsts for love
More than my blood for you, by the shore of seals while the wings
Weave like a web in the air
...Read more of this...

by Drayton, Michael
...shall give,
When nothing else remaineth of these days,
And queens hereafter shall be glad to live
Upon the alms of thy superfluous praise.
Virgins and matrons, reading these my rhymes,
Shall be so much delighted with thy story
That they shall grieve they lived not in these times,
To have seen thee, their sex's only glory:
So shalt thou fly above the vulgar throng,
Still to survive in my immortal song....Read more of this...

by Akhmatova, Anna
...ught myself to live simply and wisely,
to look at the sky and pray to God,
and to wander long before evening
to tire my superfluous worries.
When the burdocks rustle in the ravine
and the yellow-red rowanberry cluster droops
I compose happy verses
about life's decay, decay and beauty.
I come back. The fluffy cat
licks my palm, purrs so sweetly
and the fire flares bright
on the saw-mill turret by the lake.
Only the cry of a stork landing on the roof
occasionall...Read more of this...

by Dickinson, Emily
...Old "Moses" --
"Canaan" denied --
Scan like him, the stately landscape
On the other side --

Doubtless, we should deem superfluous
Many Sciences,
Not pursued by learned Angels
In scholastic skies!

Low amid that glad Belles lettres
Grant that we may stand,
Stars, amid profound Galaxies --
At that grand "Right hand"!...Read more of this...

by Finch, Anne Kingsmill
...he moulders in a scanty Shroud, 
Telling both Earth and Skies, he when alive was proud. 
Now down at once comes the superfluous Load, 
The costly Fret-work with it yields, 
Whose imitated Fruits and Flow'rs are strew'd, 
Like those of real Growth o'er the Autumnal Fields. 

The present Owner lifts his Eyes, 
And the swift Change with sad Affrightment spies: 
The Cieling gone, that late the Roof conceal'd; 
The Roof untyl'd, thro' which the Heav'ns reveal'd, 
Exposes ...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...durst not soar: 
Not to know me argues yourselves unknown, 
The lowest of your throng; or, if ye know, 
Why ask ye, and superfluous begin 
Your message, like to end as much in vain? 
To whom thus Zephon, answering scorn with scorn. 
Think not, revolted Spirit, thy shape the same, 
Or undiminished brightness to be known, 
As when thou stoodest in Heaven upright and pure; 
That glory then, when thou no more wast good, 
Departed from thee; and thou resemblest now 
Thy sin an...Read more of this...

by Milton, John store, 
All seasons, ripe for use hangs on the stalk; 
Save what by frugal storing firmness gains 
To nourish, and superfluous moist consumes: 
But I will haste, and from each bough and brake, 
Each plant and juciest gourd, will pluck such choice 
To entertain our Angel-guest, as he 
Beholding shall confess, that here on Earth 
God hath dispensed his bounties as in Heaven. 
So saying, with dispatchful looks in haste 
She turns, on hospitable thoughts intent 
What cho...Read more of this...

by Milton, John survey 
Useless besides; reasoning I oft admire, 
How Nature wise and frugal could commit 
Such disproportions, with superfluous hand 
So many nobler bodies to create, 
Greater so manifold, to this one use, 
For aught appears, and on their orbs impose 
Such restless revolution day by day 
Repeated; while the sedentary Earth, 
That better might with far less compass move, 
Served by more noble than herself, attains 
Her end without least motion, and receives, 
As tribute, s...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
Nor thou his malice and false guile contemn; 
Subtle he needs must be, who could seduce 
Angels; nor think superfluous other's aid. 
I, from the influence of thy looks, receive 
Access in every virtue; in thy sight 
More wise, more watchful, stronger, if need were 
Of outward strength; while shame, thou looking on, 
Shame to be overcome or over-reached, 
Would utmost vigour raise, and raised unite. 
Why shouldst not thou like sense within thee feel 
When ...Read more of this...

by Tebb, Barry
...t. David Lambert, poet and teacher

Of creative writing, doing it ‘my way’ in the nineties,

UEA found his services superfluous to their needs.

? ? you may **** like hell,

But I abhor your jealous narcissistic smell

And as for your much vaunted pc prose

I’d rather stick my prick inside the thorniest rose.

Jeanne Conn of ‘Connections’ your letters

are even longer than my own and Maggie Allen

Sent me the only Valentine I’ve had in sixty years

These two d...Read more of this...

by Parker, Dorothy
...Should they whisper false of you.
Never trouble to deny;
Should the words they say be true,
Weep and storm and swear they lie....Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...ff by treachery, after a desperate resistance. 

(9) Clapping of the hands calls the servants. The Turks hate a superfluous expenditure of voice, and they have no bells. 

(10) "Chibouque," the Turkish pipe, of which the amber mouth-piece, and sometimes the ball which contains the leaf, is adorned with precious stones, if in possession of the wealthier orders. 

(11) "Maugrabee," Moorish mercenaries. 

(12) "Delis," bravoes who form the forlorn-hope of the...Read more of this...

by Carroll, Lewis
...said "The More exceeds the Less." 

"A truth of such undoubted weight,"
He urged, "and so extreme in date,
It were superfluous to state." 

Roused into sudden passion, she
In tone of cold malignity:
"To others, yea: but not to thee." 

But when she saw him quail and quake,
And when he urged "For pity's sake!"
Once more in gentle tones she spake. 

"Thought in the mind doth still abide
That is by Intellect supplied,
And within that Idea doth hide: 

"And he, t...Read more of this...

by Johnson, Samuel
...pursues decay,
304 Still drops some joy from with'ring life away;
305 New forms arise, and diff'rent views engage,
306 Superfluous lags the vet'ran on the stage,
307 Till pitying Nature signs the last release,
308 And bids afflicted worth retire to peace.

309 But few there are whom hours like these await,
310 Who set unclouded in the gulfs of fate.
311 From Lydia's monarch should the search descend,
312 By Solon caution'd to regard his end,
313 In life's last scene ...Read more of this...

by Byron, George (Lord)
...ut as a kind of quit-rent, to 
Assert my right as lord: and even had 
I such an inclination, 'twere (as you 
Well know) superfluous; they are grown so bad, 
That hell has nothing better left to do 
Than leave them to themselves: so much more mad 
And evil by their own internal curse, 
Heaven cannot make them better, nor I worse. 


'Look to the earth, I said, and say again: 
When this old, blind, mad, helpless, weak, poor worm 
Began in youth's first bloom and flush...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things