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Famous Stumped Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Stumped poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous stumped poems. These examples illustrate what a famous stumped poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by Paterson, Andrew Barton
Our book by heart in Dandaloo. 

We held a meeting at the bar, 
And met the question fair and square -- 
"We've stumped the country near and far 
To raise the cash for races here; 
We've got a hundred pounds or two -- 
Not half so bad for Dandaloo. 

"And now, it seems we have to be 
Cleaned out by this here Sydney bloke, 
With his imported horse; and he 
Will scoop the pool and leave us broke. 
Shall we sit still, and make no fuss 
While this chap climbs all ...Read more of this...

by Edgar, Marriott
...self to whatever he wanted,
And come back in the autumn for more.

These trips always showed him a profit,
But what stumped him to know was this 'ere...
Where the English folk got all the money,
He came and took off them each year.

After duly considering the matter,
He concluded as how his best course,
Were to have an invasion of England,
And tap the supply at its source.

He got other Vikings to join him,
With a promise of plunder and spoil,
And rake...Read more of this...

by Lawson, Henry
...that me an' Bill 
Are humpin' of our drums. 

I mind the time when first I came 
A stranger to the land; 
And I was stumped, an' sick, an' lame 
When Bill took me in hand. 
Old Bill was what a chap would call 
A friend in poverty, 
And he was very kind to all, 
And very good to me. 

We'd camp beneath the lonely trees 
And sit beside the blaze, 
A-nursin' of our wearied knees, 
A-smokin' of our clays. 
Or when we'd journeyed damp an' far, 
An' clouds were in t...Read more of this...

by Gregory, Rg
...colours on
 what blindly grows


there are so few words left now to grow
green on - my vocabulary's stumped
for a hard-edged phrase to let you know
 my truth's not been gazumped

love itself of course is blandly thumped
each time it suits you to imagine no
fruits are guilty for their being scrumped

if you can't be honest with me - better go
if dumped is what you wish then i'll be dumped
excuse me if i go on squeaking though
 my truth's not been gazumped

...Read more of this...

by Service, Robert William
My work, I make it snappy;
For even though his name were Smith,
I'd like him to be happy.
I hope, because I'm stumped for rhyme,
He will not think me knavish,
If I should call him just this time:

Forgive me, Friend Mactavish. I
No doubt have cost you curses;
I'm sorry for you as you try
To put my type in verses;
And though new names I know you by,
When of new books creator,
I'll always look on you as my
 COLLABORATOR....Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...tations; so that sport 
Went hand in hand with Science; otherwhere 
Pure sport; a herd of boys with clamour bowled 
And stumped the wicket; babies rolled about 
Like tumbled fruit in grass; and men and maids 
Arranged a country dance, and flew through light 
And shadow, while the twangling violin 
Struck up with Soldier-laddie, and overhead 
The broad ambrosial aisles of lofty lime 
Made noise with bees and breeze from end to end. 

Strange was the sight and smacking of t...Read more of this...

Dont forget to view our wonderful member Stumped poems.

Book: Shattered Sighs