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Famous Slothful Poems by Famous Poets

These are examples of famous Slothful poems written by some of the greatest and most-well-known modern and classical poets. PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous slothful poems. These examples illustrate what a famous slothful poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate).

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by de la Mare, Walter
...Her maids she neither prais'd nor chid: 
So ev'ry servant took his course; 
And bad at first, they all grew worse. 
Slothful disorder fill'd his stable; 
And sluttish plenty deck'd her table. 
Their beer was strong; their wine was port; 
Their meal was large; their grace was short. 
They gave the poor the remnant-meat 
Just when it grew not fit to eat. 
They paid the church and parish rate; 
And took, but read not the receipt; 
For which they claim'd their Sun...Read more of this...

by Browning, Robert
...ed you, whom you loved so,
 --Pity me?
Oh to love so, be so loved, yet so mistaken!
 What had I on earth to do
With the slothful, with the mawkish, the unmanly?
Like the aimless, helpless, hopeless, did I drivel

One who never turned his back but marched breast forward,
 Never doubted clouds would break,
Never dreamed, though right were worsted, wrong would triumph,
Held we fall to rise, are baffled to fight better,
 Sleep to wake.

No, at noonday in the bu...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord now 
Men weed the white horse on the Berkshire hills 
To keep him bright and clean as heretofore, 
He rooted out the slothful officer 
Or guilty, which for bribe had winked at wrong, 
And in their chairs set up a stronger race 
With hearts and hands, and sent a thousand men 
To till the wastes, and moving everywhere 
Cleared the dark places and let in the law, 
And broke the bandit holds and cleansed the land. 

Then, when Geraint was whole again, they past 
With Arthu...Read more of this...

by Milton, John
...rplex and dash 
Maturest counsels: for his thoughts were low-- 
 To vice industrious, but to nobler deeds 
Timorous and slothful. Yet he pleased the ear, 
And with persuasive accent thus began:-- 
 "I should be much for open war, O Peers, 
As not behind in hate, if what was urged 
Main reason to persuade immediate war 
Did not dissuade me most, and seem to cast 
Ominous conjecture on the whole success; 
When he who most excels in fact of arms, 
In what he counsels and in ...Read more of this...

by McCrae, John
Lo: I am Ease. Come ye and eat my bread!"
Then gladly one forsook his task undone
And with the Tempter went his slothful way,
The other toiled until the setting sun
With stealing shadows blurred the dusty day.

Ere harvest time, upon earth's peaceful breast
Each laid him down among the unreaping dead.
"Labour hath other recompense than rest,
Else were the toiler like the fool," I said;
"God meteth him not less, but rather more
Because he sowed and others reape...Read more of this...

by Finch, Anne Kingsmill
But told 'em, they were Sluts–And for the Swains, 
My Name a Terror to them still remains; 
So often I reprov'd their slothful Faults, 
And with such Freedom told 'em all my Thoughts, 
That I no more amongst them cou'd reside. 
Has then, alas! the Gentleman reply'd, 
One single Month so much their patience try'd? 
Where you by Day, and but at Seasons due, 
Cou'd with your Clamours their Defects pursue; 
How had they shrunk, and justly been afraid, 
Had they with me one ...Read more of this...

by Petrarch, Francesco
...ame>Anon.  Intemperance, slumber, and the slothful downHave chased each virtue from this world away;Hence is our nature nearly led astrayFrom its due course, by habitude o'erthrown;Those kindly lights of heaven so dim are grown,Which shed o'er human life instruction's ray...Read more of this...

by Hardy, Thomas
...ettes, and flings: 
They cheered her as she soared and swooped 
(She'd learnt ere art in dancing drooped 
 From hops to slothful swings). 

The favorite Quick-step "Speed the Plough"-- 
 (Cross hands, cast off, and wheel)-- 
"The Triumph," "Sylph," "The Row-dow dow," 
 Famed "Major Malley's Reel," 
"The Duke of York's," "The Fairy Dance," 
"The Bridge of Lodi" (brought from France), 
 She beat out, toe and heel. 

The "Fall of Paris" clanged its close, 
 And Peter's c...Read more of this...

by Tennyson, Alfred Lord
...of this world:
One deep, deep silence all!"

She, mouldering with the dull earth's mouldering sod,
Inwrapt tenfold in slothful shame,
Lay there exiled from eternal God,
Lost to her place and name;

And death and life she hated equally,
And nothing saw, for her despair,
But dreadful time, dreadful eternity,
No comfort anywhere;

Remaining utterly confused with fears,
And ever worse with growing time,
And ever unrelieved by dismal tears,
And all alone in crime:

Shut up as...Read more of this...

by Anonymous,
...;And this young day, but dawning now,Will soon, alas! be dying.I’ll learn of thee, thou little bird,And slothful habits scorning,No longer sleep youth’s dawn away,Nor waste life’s precious morning.[Pg 018]...Read more of this...

by Nash, Ogden
...g as it's with me. 
In all your absences I glimpse 
Fire and flood and trolls and imps. 
Is your train a minute slothful? 
I goad the stationmaster wrothful. 
When with friends to bridge you drive 
I never know if you're alive, 
And when you linger late in shops 
I long to telephone the cops. 
Yet how worth the waiting for, 
To see you coming through the door. 
Somehow, I can be complacent 
Never but with you adjacent. 
Near and far, near and far, 
I a...Read more of this...

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things